I do get asked a lot how and what programs do I use to edit or make storyboards so I thought that I would share with all!
The storyboards I create I use Adobe Photoshop. It takes some time to get use to making them, but now it is easy! I love them because I make photo books for Grayson as well and I can just transfer those storyboards to the book with all the details I write too! Love it!
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CoffeShop Blog
I use both Shutterfly and Mixbook to create our photo books. I like how simply Mixbook is and I feel that I can finish a book through that program quickly.
I am currently working on Grayson's 7-9 month photo book. I am extremely behind, but I am focused to get this all complete before the end of this year!
Anyways I love that I have taken the time to take pictures of Grayson over the past 17 months as well as during my pregnancy and now this pregnancy. It is great to look back at the photo books and see how much Grayson has changed. The book I love the most right now is my frame a day or 365 day project book. It is about 85 pages at the moment but I love how it is turning out!
I look forward to seeing it in print!
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CoffeShop Blog
I use both Shutterfly and Mixbook to create our photo books. I like how simply Mixbook is and I feel that I can finish a book through that program quickly.
I am currently working on Grayson's 7-9 month photo book. I am extremely behind, but I am focused to get this all complete before the end of this year!
Anyways I love that I have taken the time to take pictures of Grayson over the past 17 months as well as during my pregnancy and now this pregnancy. It is great to look back at the photo books and see how much Grayson has changed. The book I love the most right now is my frame a day or 365 day project book. It is about 85 pages at the moment but I love how it is turning out!
I look forward to seeing it in print!

Thank you!
Thanks for sharing Melissa!! I'm going to have my first book printed using mixbook before Christmas so I'm glad to hear that you use them too. I've always thought you had good tastes in all things so if you like their books then I feel good about choosing them :)
You're doing such a great job documenting and photographing the special milestones for both of your sons. I wasn't always as good at it when my first two daughters were babies, but I kept up their baby books and now I'm doing better keeping journals for them and documenting the stories behind many of our photos via our blog. I'm always inspired by other moms like you who make sure to document special things for your children!!
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