So I haven't been the greatest at keeping up with the weekly posts on frame a day, but my book is done... thanks to my sister Amie!
{otherwise it would not be done yet...}
Here is the entire book for you to see it is long, but I still love doing this every year!
Boy have my boys changed and grown up so much!
I hope the photo book will keep you entertained for the next 21 days.
21 days I am stepping away from social media
during this time from 01/06/2013 at 6PM tonight - 1/27/2013 I will be fasting, praying, and listening.
I am excited to see what happens during this time, I need moments of being still...
but I didn't want anyone to think I was gone forever.
hopefully when I return I will blog more often because I truly miss it!

1 comment:
Miss ya on instagram already!! xoxo.. Hope you are enjoying your time away. I heard on the radio that after a week or so, you don't have rigors anymore.. hah... hopefully its not that bad. I'm addicted and can't wait to hear about your experience.
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