Today Grayson is Three Months Old! Wow is all I can say! I can't believe he is already 3 Months Old! He changes everyday and I love watching him grow. So what is new with Grayson:
- He weighs 10 pounds 10 ounces and is 22 inches in length
- He drinks 5 ounces of breastmilk at each feeding
- He usually takes two 2 hour naps one in the AM and one in the afternoon, he also has two 45 minute naps. He usually goes to bed around 8 or 9 PM and normally sleeps through the night, however this past week he woke up around 3AM for a feeding and went back to bed after 30 minutes
- Grayson has been struggling for the past several weeks with nap time, he will nap if you hold him, but I can't do that or I would get nothing done. We fight all day to get him to nap in his crib. We were using the nap nanny, but since the RECALL(BTW, thanks for all the emails and tweets about the recall) we do not use it and it has been a struggle to get him to sleep flat. We have a small wedge in the crib and it does not work. By the end of the day I think he is so tired that he ends up sleeping in the crib.
- He has graduated out of newborn diapers (as of July 25th) and is now wearing size 1
- He is wearing size 0-3 month clothes
- He still likes to be held tight, music playing, paci in mouth, and rocked to go to sleep
- He still takes the bottle well, in fact we had problems last week with breastfeeding as I think he thinks that if he gets a bottle he gets it faster. Smart boy! So during the day last week Grayson would not breastfeed. I ended up giving him a bottle and I pumped after each feeding. We really worked on getting him to breastfeed throughout the weekend and he was doing much better until today. I had a tough day getting Grayson to breastfeed. So this mommy is worn out!
- He loves to show us his SMILE
- He follows us with his eyes if we are near him or if he hears our voices
- He talks and coos so much more at us. More with daddy, those two can carry on a conversation for several minutes
- Today I heard Grayson laugh for the first time. I was playing peek-a-boo with him and he just laughed every time I would show him my face
- He loves to look at his hands and he just started sucking on them
- He still likes the ceiling fan and staring at the lights
- He loves bath time
- He loves watching cartoons, Baby Einstein, and So You Think You Can Dance, I think it is all the bright lights
- He enjoys playing with his Baby Einstein Activity Mat and he just kicks his legs and moves his arms
- He will reach and hold onto objects and just stares at the toy in his hand
- He still does not like the car seat and being in the car, unless Mommy is there to entertain him
- He can sit up well in his Bumbo seat and his Grayson chair
- He has been on two road trips and they went well. The second road trip was nine hours. That was tough, but to our surprise he slept well in his car seat. We split the trip into two days going there, but on the way back we did it in one day and that was tough.
- Next week Grayson will start going to Daycare some days and Mommy is sad, but I have no other choice. (We will do a post on the subject another day)
- Grayson has grown and changed so much over the past month and is becoming our little man... I love him to pieces!