Sorry for the boring title I just have so much to blog about that I wasn't sure what I should title this post so for now it is Hi. I hate that I have gone a whole week and I haven't updated my blog. Between taking care of Grayson, keeping up with our house, Working, and spending time with Chad it leaves little time to blog. I could stay up late and blog, but right now I prefer to sleep so I typically go to bed between 9 and 10 PM. It all depends on when G goes to bed for the night. I am not going to lie the past several weeks I have felt overwhelmed and stressed. I am overwhelmed because I have a lot of work to catch up on and I feel as if it NEVER ends. I am stressed because in a few weeks Grayson will be going to daycare and I hate that I have to do this. It is not my option and I am sad about it, but if I want to continue working at my current job then this is what has to happen. I am a complete mess about it! I am also stressing about breastfeeding and how to increase my supply in order to supply the daycare with enough milk to get him through the day plus some safety stock just in case he has a growth spurt day. I strictly breastfeed at every feeding, however over the past several weeks I have had several meeting throughout the days and G has been given a bottle. On those days I do pump. I also have been pumping after Grayson nurses. Any other suggestions? How much safety stock should I supply the daycare in a few weeks? Just talking about it and thinking about the day I have to take Grayson to daycare is making me sad. I don't want to miss anything. I love the place we are taking Grayson it just makes me sad because this was not the plan. I just hope I feel better soon about this. Another question I have is for any mommy who travels out of town on an overnight trip. I will be making an overnight trip soon and I just want to know how does this work with breastfeeding? Do you pump on your trip? How do you keep the milk cold when traveling back home? Any tips are greatly appreciated. Okay enough about breastfeeding. I also feel overwhelmed with keeping up with our house and preparing dinner every night. I just feel like I am constantly going from the moment I get up until I go to bed. Sorry for the complaining just sharing my thoughts and letting it go. I have thank you cards to complete, I need to finish Grayson's playroom (can't wait to show all of you the pictures), I need to START working on Grayson's baby book, and I need to complete a Shutterfly book that I started in June. By the way where did SUMMER go? It has flown by... which is fine with me because it has been HOT! I am ready for Fall, skip Winter, bring on Spring. That would be ideal! Anyways sorry for the random post, but I have a lot of things on my mind. Thanks for listening and I can't end this post without sharing a few pictures of Grayson. Because you are all probably here to see pictures of him. He is growing and changing every day. I am still so in love with this little guy!
Showing his it!
Little Monkey!
Snuggling with Mommy!
All dressed up but no where to go!
First time in footy PJ's
So focused watching Baby Einstein!
Just in case I don't do another post before this weekend Chad and I are going on our first date night without Grayson. I am looking forward to it.
I hope you all of a Happy Thursday!