Sorry it has taken me some time to get the detail post up! I am flying soul this week with Grayson and need all the rest I can get. So bedtime is early! Plus I have been working on building storyboards for this pregnancy. I want it to be easier for me to add to photo books later and have all the details.
First THANK you for all your sweet comments on our BIG news! I also appreciate all the tweets and facebook messages too!
I will say that this pregnancy was a complete SURPRISE! We are so happy and taking it all in...
I had a few questions from my last post and I am hoping that I address all of them if not please leave me a comment.
First: the song on the video is:
So how did I tell Chad our Big Pregnancy News:
When we got pregnant with Grayson I took a picture of the pregnancy test with my iPhone and shared the news with Chad. So since he had no idea that I was testing or thought I was pregnant I decided to do the same thing. Grayson and Chad were playing in the backyard on Saturday July 16th, 2011 and I went out and said, "Look at this picture I took." Chad's reaction was interesting... he said, "WHY do you have Tiffany's pregnancy test on your phone?" Of course I said it isn't Tiffany's it is MINE! Chad was completely shocked and requested I take another test the next morning to double...triple confirm! As you can tell by Chad's reaction this pregnancy news was a COMPLETE SHOCK to HIM and ME too! We are completely AMAZED with this wonderful BLESSING and thank GOD for this pregnancy!
I had my first doctor's appointment to confirm our pregnancy on July 19th, 2011. All went great they confirmed my pregnancy and we found out that I was 6 weeks at that time and our baby is due March 2012.
Over the last several weeks I have been AMAZED at God's grace to us, but I also think about how after trying for three years to have Grayson, doing two IUI's, one IVF, ovulation test after ovulation test, temperature checks for MANY MANY months to determine peak ovulations days on my own, the sleepless nights wondering why can't we get pregnant, the several tests and meds both Chad and I took to help us get pregnant and without even stressing or worrying if it would happen again it happened. This is how it happened with Grayson and again with this baby! I use to DISLIKE when people would say relax don't stress it will happen... now I think could they be right???
I wonder and question this everyday.
All I can do is THANK GOD for giving us another beautiful blessing and believe and know that it is all in god's perfect timing!
Sharing the News with Family and Friends!
see picture and details on the right side for shirt details!
I was 6 Weeks Pregnant when we told my family!
We waited until after my first appointment and we heard the heartbeat before we told anyone else! I was just concerned and wanted to hear the heartbeat before sharing this exciting news!
We had planned to have an END OF THE SUMMER BBQ at our home on August 27th, 2011 however plans changed. The week prior Chad ended up REALLY sick and we were in the ER two out of the five working days so we had to cancel! We talked about having the BBQ over Labor Day Weekend, but I wasn't up for it. Taking care of Chad and Grayson and not feeling well myself did me in and I needed a weekend just to relax. So we decided that we would just tell people as we saw them.
This is where it gets interesting...
For several of our friends I either had the shirt above on Grayson or the shirt below
If you like the above shirt and want to know where it is from go here! I will warn you the shirts run SMALL!
I really thought that people would see it and realize OH MY Goodness they are having another baby...
well that was not the case most people didn't notice or they thought the shirt meant big brother the reality show. Yes I watched Big Brother but I would never but Grayson in a shirt supporting or showing off for the show. Does that make sense??
Anyways we were done doing the whole apparel annoucement so either we showed the video that you watched in my last post or we just told friends and family.
We spent last weekend at Chad's Moms house. We shared the news with her and his grandmother "My Momma" together. Chad's Mom was excited, but My Momma was confused and thought we would be upset to be pregnant again. She kept asking me if I was okay with being pregnant. I said yes of course. She was so cute she also kept scolding Chad and said, "I told you not to get Melissa pregnant again!" She was so serious... I thought it was cute. My Momma {chad's grandmother} loved seeing Grayson and holding and loving on him. Grayson was so sweet to her. It was a priceless moment!
I have loved sharing the news with our family and friends everyone was SHOCKED that we were pregnant so soon and it made it extra special that no one had any idea.
Sorry for the long post, but I want to remember every detail!
I have started weekly pictures
I will do a weekly pregnancy post with weeks 11-13 tomorrow!
Good Night!

Congrats Melissa you and Chad are truly blessed! All the best-Tonya, so, so HAPPY for you and this wonderful BLESSING that God has given you! You and Chad are such incredible parents and I'm so excited that you get to welcome another little one into the family! Plus, little G will be a GREAT big brother.
Love and Hugs
God is soo good! Congrats again on baby #2!!
Congratulations!!! I LOVED following you through your entire pregnancy with Grayson and can't wait to follow you through this one. Grayson will be a wonderful big brother and you will love having two little ones!
Congratulations! It is funny how things work out isn't it. We struggled to have our daughter and I got pregnant again when she was 6 months old. My doctor said that is just how things work sometimes!
What are storyboards?
I'm wondering the same thing as CaseyLew, but I forgot to mention it in my first comment...what are storyboards??
Such a wonderful post full of beautiful details of this blessing!!! Love all of the hilarious stories, I was laughing out loud!!
Oh my goodness - congratulations, girl!!! I had been noticing some of your nursery pins on pinterest and was all makes sense now!!! So excited for you and your family:)
I am just so thrilled for you Melissa! Your family is so blessed. I can't wait to follow your pregnancy! Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you are feeling better soon!
Congratulations - how wonderful! Your new miracle is such a blessing. My miracle baby was born in March (after being told we would never get pregnant on our own). I am so happy for your guys! God is amazing.
WOW! What an amazing story! Yeah for more babies!
awesome!! sounds so much like our story with baby #1 and #2!! never thought 6 years later we would be blessed with #3!!! thanks for the update post! love it!
CONGRATS! The shirts are too cute. I just found out about two weeks ago I am pregnant! I had my son a shirt made to reveal to his Dad when he came home. It was the same night Big Brother was on. I kid you not, he didn't notice the shirt but started talking about who he thought was going to get kicked off, haha! Didn't go as planned. I plan on using the shirt again to reveal to our's hoping it works.
I love his SheShe made shirt. Wish I would have thought about that. Very cute! Once again, congrats!
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