A road less traveled... infertility. Most of my readers started reading my blog when we were going through infertility. Now it seems these days I blog more about my family, especially Grayson. Which is VERY true because they bring me SO much joy! I feel as if I abandoned the topic of infertility after getting pregnant and having Grayson. It was not on purpose. I think that when you have JOY you tend to show that JOY each and every day. This is exactly what I do each day!
So why am I writing a post on infertility today? This week I spent the working days listening to the new Selah CD and one particular song {I Look To You} spoke so much to me in our road to infertility. After listening to it over and over again my heart was telling me that this song may help others find the strength on the road of infertility. I encourage you to listen to the words, feel inspired, feel strength to keep moving forward, know that you are not alone and GOD is with you every step of the way holding your hand. Take his hand and let him show you the way.
Believe and have Faith that GOD has his PERFECT timing for your life. I believe this so much. Looking back on our journey I know that once I looked to GOD he took care of me and I am forever grateful to him.
You are not alone and if you need to talk to someone I am always here to listen. Each of you waiting for your miracle child you are in my prayers always!
At the beginning of the song Amy from Selah gives her introduction to the song and what it means to her. I know that this will inspire so many even if you are not walking the road of infertility.
Have a blessed and wonderful LONG weekend!
So why am I writing a post on infertility today? This week I spent the working days listening to the new Selah CD and one particular song {I Look To You} spoke so much to me in our road to infertility. After listening to it over and over again my heart was telling me that this song may help others find the strength on the road of infertility. I encourage you to listen to the words, feel inspired, feel strength to keep moving forward, know that you are not alone and GOD is with you every step of the way holding your hand. Take his hand and let him show you the way.
You are not alone and if you need to talk to someone I am always here to listen. Each of you waiting for your miracle child you are in my prayers always!
At the beginning of the song Amy from Selah gives her introduction to the song and what it means to her. I know that this will inspire so many even if you are not walking the road of infertility.
Have a blessed and wonderful LONG weekend!