Crew had his 2 Month Well Visit this morning and I WAS so looking forward to this appointment!
I was looking forward to finally seeing our pediatrician vs other pediatrician's in the clinic. Chad and I both really like the boys pediatrician and after today's appointment he made me feel so much better. I addressed my concerns with Crew's reflux and how we are not getting sleep in our house and all he does is cry. After discussing several options we have decided to try the following method first for three weeks to see if things change for Crew. We are changing his medicine to Prevacid once a day and we are going to try doing the thickening medicine to a bottle of breastmilk for a night bottle and see if that helps!
We discussed moving to formula, but for now we all agreed to try this and not rule out breastfeeding entirely. I would really like to continue breastfeeding, but if things don't improve I will do what is best for our family.
Chad and I are also going to discuss seeing a chiropractor for Crew. I have heard from several of you that it works. We want to see Crew happy and not in pain.
Thanks for your comments, emails, tweets and prayers for little Crew!
Crew's 2 Month Well Visit Stats:
Weight: 10 pounds 2.5 ounces
Height: 21.25"
HC: 40cm
Here is Crew all stretched out at the doctor this morning
Crew looking at daddy

I am so sorry that he cries a lot, but he sure is cute! Both your boys are!
Poor little guy...
I have heard AMAZING things about chiropractors for babies.
I personally love accupuncture for aches and pains (if you would have asked me years ago though I would have told you no way would I have had someone stick me with needles but it works!)
Prayers for all of you!
I have followed your blog for quite awhile. I pray that Crew feels better soon. My youngest cried for four months. It wasn't until we went to a pediatric Gastro Dr until we finally got answers. Prior to the Gastro he was admitted in the hospital just for excessive crying. Dont let people use the term "colic" I think that's a term used for drs. That can't give an answer. I've tried everything under the sun. So please feel free to email me at Also a friend of mine son had pyloric stenosis but didn't have any symptoms other than crying. You may want to Google that too. Praying for you and your sweet boy!
I have followed your blog for quite awhile. I pray that Crew feels better soon. My youngest cried for four months. It wasn't until we went to a pediatric Gastro Dr until we finally got answers. Prior to the Gastro he was admitted in the hospital just for excessive crying. Dont let people use the term "colic" I think that's a term used for drs. That can't give an answer. I've tried everything under the sun. So please feel free to email me at Also a friend of mine son had pyloric stenosis but didn't have any symptoms other than crying. You may want to Google that too. Praying for you and your sweet boy!
maybe try Little Tummys® Gas Relief Drops. They are all natural. I used them for all three of my babies who had acid reflux and GERD and it worked wonders. I was able to continue to breast feed just give the tummies before and they were ok and not cranky. I hope you find a solution so you can continue to breast feed.
I hope things get better and you are able to get some sleep soon!
we take peyton to a chirp (dr. sullivan, behind burger king...from my hometown) and he helped him SO much with ear infections!!!! if i had known this back when parker was a baby, we would have taken him. he had severe acid reflux and it was horrible! meds, expensive formula, the whole 9 yards....hopefully the new things y'all are trying will make a difference. it's hard watching them unhappy all the time :(
such a cutie!!! we go next week for our 2 month check up! we started zantac last week for reflux also...I feel your pain with no sleep and the crying. It is so heartbreaking when they cry and are obviously hurting. I have done 3 or 4 formula bottles, just 2 ounces right before see if that would help, and it really did...3.5 hours seemed like a full night sleep! I mostly nurse but hudson seemed to do very well with the similac sensitive and I may continue to supplement if he seems better before bed. He is also sleeping in his swing now and being upright at that angle seems to help too! good luck! hope the prevacid helps!!!
My little girl had severe GERD and it was awful! Constant crying and they blamed it on 'colic'. Finally after switching drs at 8 mos they diagnosed her with GERD. she was on Zantac constantly for months prior. We got into a GI dr and they prescribed prevacid and that helped so much! The fisher price rock n play sleeper was a lifesaver bc it has an angle on it. Another thing that helped- breastmilk hurt her bad so we did half formula half breastmilk. Also, they have a necklace- i believe, hazelwood finn necklace- and it helps with reflux. I have a whole bunch more tricks if ya need more to. Feel free to email me! I feel your pain and i will be praying for him and ya'll!
Your poor family! We have an almost three and a half year old and she had severe reflux - there was NO sleeping in our house - day OR night. I know how crazy that can make everyone, but with a 2 yr old too - yikes! She ended up on prevacid and mylaanta and I ended up switching her to Similac's soy formula instead of breastfeeding. After about two weeks, the difference was night and day. I hope the prevacid works for you as well as it did for us! She ended up also having colic - screaming every night from 6pm - 10pm, but it wasn't the same hurting cry, was more like she was overstimulated from the day and couldn't calm down...we had a lot of screaming in our house for about the first six months - ha! Now I'm expecting our second baby in the next couple of weeks and fear the reflux and colic again, but at least we're prepared for the worst this time!!
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