What a GREAT support I HAVE seen from SO many for Julee and Preslee Turner. It makes my heart so happy to see all these wonderful things take place during a difficult time for this family!
My heart and my prayers continue to go out to Julee, Preslee, Matt's mom Lisa, and brother Andy and all the extended family.
I have 2 Silent Auction Posts going up today {Monday October 15th, 2012} and will run until Friday!
second up:
{Pioneer Women Cookbooks}
my sweet friend Jess contacted Ree Drummond and she was so sweet to donate 2 cookbooks for us to auction off. She is sending a sweet surprise to Preslee as well. I love every one's sweet heart during this time!
Total Retail Value = $57.50
How to bid:
~ for US Shipment Only
~ Place your bid in the comments section of this blog post
~ Leave Name, Email, and Bid
~ All Bids must be made in $1 increments. If the last bid is $9 then your bid must be $10
Bidding will close on Friday night at 10:00PM {EST}
Highest bidder will be the winner of both cookbooks
Payment will be accepted via Paypal. Winner will be emailed a paypal invoice and once paypal payment has been made, I will put you in contact with the donor.
Please note: Auction open to US residents ONLY. All payments must be received by October 31, 2012. These payments are not considered tax deductible.
To see what else is up for auction click here:
Please support this family and do a little Christmas Shopping at the same time! How fun!

$30 leslieflambert {at} gmail
I bid $25. Thanks!
meredith.mcgovern@gmail.com $15
$10 Kaye dktiger@pgtc.com
$25 dalainajane@hotmail.com
Kelly E
I bid $10.
$25, katieannageorge@gmail.com
$10, Stephanie, snlhendricks@frontiernet.net
$20.00 dee.brandon@gmail.com
$25 paypal@polkadotposies.com April Bacon
$10 bgaskill@swbell.net
$10 bgaskill@swbell.net
I bid $40
Jamie (jamie.batema@gmail.com)$75.00!
Jamie (jamie.batema@gmail.com) $75.00!
$30, theeclectictraditionalist@gmail.com
$15, Joyce Nabors, jttm28@hotmail.com
$10 TAlex542@aol.com
$80 hoya81@aol.com
50.00 kdirnberger@luhr.com
$85.00, Brooke Hamilton, bcrenshaw5@carolina.rr.com
allen.sarae@yahoo.com Sara Allen $31
jehelms@cox.net Mary bids $100.00 she sent me an email!
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