Our Halloween was a little different this year. It all started on Saturday October 27th, 2012 at the 9th Annual Halloween Party at the Fisher house. We always have a great time at this party.
This year I took the boys on my own because Chad recently got his tonsils out and he had sinus surgery so he has been recovering from a very painful surgery. Today he is doing MUCH better, but the past 10+ days has been difficult. We are glad he is feeling better because I have really needed him this week to help with the boys...
I love all the leaves and the fall scenery
Crew fell asleep on the way to the party
beanbag toss

Musical Walking to win a prize...
more sweets, oh my!
Kid Picture
just having LOADS of FUN!
some of the kids group photo
Crew as a skeleton and owl
taking Kelsey for a ride
All CAKE! Isn't it AMAZING! My friend Kendall made this creation for the Halloween Party!
Grayson as Sheriff Woody from Toy Story
we missed daddy at the party, but here I am with my two babies!
Halloween Day 2012
Our Halloween Week didn't start off good, Grayson was sent home on Monday from school with a 102 temp...YIKES! Chad took him straight to the doctor and he tested positive for the FLU so we have spent the week caring for Grayson and trying to keep Crew healthy if possible.
See why I needed Chad...
He has been caring for Grayson all week while I work, best daddy and hubby!
Well Grayson was still not 100% for trick or treating as he was running a fever all day on Halloween so we decided it would be best for us to stay in and he could help answer the door when the kids came to trick or treat. Well it was a good thing we stayed home at about 6PM Crew came down with the FLU and for about 45 mins he was puking...needless to say I changed my clothes several times and Crew had has pj's changed 4 or 5 times.
Grayson is feeling better today, no fever and is itching to play with his friends. He is done being at home. Crew is still running a fever, but hasn't gotten sick anymore and is back to drinking breastmilk so I think he will be 100% in the next day or too. Now just praying Chad and I can stay healthy...
So our Halloween was spent at home, but we made the best of it!
Grayson got to see the kids trick or treating and next year I know that he will LOVE going trick or treating. He was so excited when the kids came to the door.
{we did not pass out the candy that Grayson touched...just in case you ask me or mention it to me in a comment}
{this picture was taken before Crew got sick}
{we did not pass out this candy to the trick or treaters...just in case you ask or mention it to me}

Such sweet pictures!
I hope your sweet boys are feeling better now!
Oh my! That is just awful!!! Hope both boys are feeling better soon and saying a prayer you and Chad stay sickness free!
We did not take Bryce out either. He just wanted to wear his costume and hand out candy, so we did that and he had a BLAST!! Although, halfway through he stripped down out of his costume in just a pull up, t-shirt(after we bribed him to wear it), and socks! Ha!
Have a great weekend!!
Your little guys sure are cute!
I hope they're feeling 100% soon. Poor things.
I love looking at pictures of these two handsome little guys! They're so precious :) SO SORRY they got sick for Halloween! That's no fun for them OR the parents. Praying they feel 100% soon!!!
Hope you have a GREAT weekend ahead! :)
I love all the pictures! your boys are so cute. So sorry they were sick. I will pray for you and Chad to stay healthy!
Well both of your babies were dolls in their costumes for the party! I am so sorry your babies got the flu! :( Hoping (and praying) they are well and Chad is feeling back to normal, too!
Do you mind telling me where you got Crew's owl hat? It is soooo cute and I have looked on Etsy but can't find one quite like it.
Do you mind telling me where you got Crew's owl hat? It is soooo cute and I have looked on Etsy but can't find one quite like it.
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