{living for today}
just something to think about during your day tomorrow or the coming days ahead:
LIVE FOR TODAY emphasizes the importance of living in the present. Past is the history, future is mystery and present is the present. One should live the moment and cherish the present. Savoring the present and living in the present is what counts and matters. Make the maximum of your present so as not to regret in the future. Life is an uncanny and monotonous affair where even a few moments of fun, enjoyment and adventure snatched should be gratefully acknowledged. Life is uncertain and truly unpredictable. You have no idea as to how your future will unfold or what will happen next. So, your aim should be to live the moment and stay blissful and happy. Life is brief, a little hope, a little dream and then goodnight. Before the goodnight strikes, you should be content with your life and have no regrets. So, live it for today and get the maximum out of your present. In the words of Albert Einstein, "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The importance thing is not to stop questioning."
{living for today thru pictures with my boys}

I so needed to hear this today! Thank you Melissa!
Great topic, something I need to embrace more myself! I just wondered if the whole paragraph is from Albert Einstein, or where is it from? Thanks so much!
Sorry if this is a duplicate, not sure it went through, :)
Great topic! I need to embrace this more myself. I know the final sentence is an Albert Einstein quote, is the whole paragraph from him? If not, where is it from?
LOVE this!!!!! :)
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