Happy Wednesday!
Meet Mandy from A Peek at the Pierces
love her blog name it is adorable!
Sorry for the late post...
Working Meeting this morning and a short work day because now I am at home with a sick baby Crew...
Thanks Mandy for sharing your day with us...
Hey girls! My name is Mandy, I am mom to Reese, who is ONE and to McKenna, my stepson....he's about to turn 17! My husband is Clint, we live on a farm in Oklahoma. My blog is A Peek at the Pierces....I blog to keep friends and family up to date on the happenings in our home. We are a super busy group, so there's lots to keep up with!!!
Come on in for a look into our day!
Our day starts early! Clint is a project manager for the construction department with the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, he is up and gone by 6:00 a.m. every morning. That's his "day job." After he gets off he heads out to where ever he is baling hay, on top of cutting and baling our own hay, he does custom baling for others in the area. We live in a rural area, most people have cattle and horses.
I get up around 5:45-6:00 a.m. and grab a shower before he leaves. I get dressed and ready..pack my lunch and get Reese's bag packed for the day. My Dad shows up at 6:45 a.m. to pick her up. We live about 15 minutes from my parents ranch, my Dad comes by most days and picks Reese up to save me the 30 minute commute to take her over and drop her off. I have a one hour drive as it is. It is such a blessing that he does that PLUS the fact, that Reese is able to stay with them. She enjoys getting to soak up Granni and Pepaws love every day!
McKenna gets up and around to head to school about 6:30 a.m. He is a licensed driver now, and it helps so much! He is so busy with sports and school, not having to shuttle him around is super! He leaves for school at 7:00 a.m.
After he leaves, I grab my lunch and head out to work. Like I said, I drive 55 miles to Paris, Texas where I work as a Radiation Therapist with Texas Oncology. I love, love, love my job! I have been there 12 years. I work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. I have Thursday off, its nice to spend that day catching up, doing errands, and playing with my sweet princess! I work until 5:00 p.m. then head home to get Reese. This is when our day gets crazy!
Clint and I share the duties of going to pick up Reese and getting her home. I try to start dinner and have it on the table by 6:30 or 7. During the week, I utilize my crock pot or freezer meals. Throw steamed veggies or a salad with it and we are set. We all try to set down together most nights and eat. During hay season, its hard because Clint is usually working until dark. On game nights, our schedule goes out the window and we usually grab a sandwich or something on the fly.
I get Reese winding down by 8:00. I bathe her and get her jammies on and hopefully by 8:15-8:30 she is ready for her warm milk bottle and getting sleepy! Clint is really good about taking over these duties if I have something going on or am behind on my housework. I rock her until she falls asleep and then I lay her down in her bed. Most nights, she wakes up around midnight and I bring her to bed with us...I know, I know...I don't need to hear it!
After she goes down, I whirl around cleaning up the kitchen, do a load of laundry or two, and get things picked. I like to keep some order of clean going all week, Thursday is my real cleaning day. I also have a little side business of hair bows embroidery and baby gifts. If I have any orders needing attention, I will work in my craft room a little while before I go to bed. I try to be in bed by 10:30 or 11:00.
Clint and I spend a lot of time together in the evenings, whether its at a game, or after he gets home, we tag team Reese's bath time. We always try to sit down and eat together when we are at home. On the weekends, Reese and I will go visit them in the hayfield or whatever they are doing!
That basically wraps up most of our days, sometime it seems I'm winging it, other days I feel like I really have it together! I try to make it a fun life for our kids meanwhile showing them working hard and loving Jesus are important! It's definitely a crazy life, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!

1 comment:
what a great family pic!!!
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