Happy Wednesday!
Thanks Brooke for sharing your day with us!
Hi! My name is Brooke. I am wife to Joe and mommy to Makayla (2 1/2) and we have one fur baby named Tika. I work full time as an outsourcing coordinator at a local accounting firm. I typically work 8 am until 5 pm three days a week and until 3pm two days a week. I also run my etsy shop www.sewblessedbaby.etsy.com in my “free” time. I have recently been working hard to build up inventory for the holiday season. This part of my “work” is really a time to zone out and relax and I love being able to do it and have a husband that fully supports that! Joe works full time as well as a financial planner and leads a small group of middle school boys at our church.
Thanks Brooke for sharing your day with us!
Hi! My name is Brooke. I am wife to Joe and mommy to Makayla (2 1/2) and we have one fur baby named Tika. I work full time as an outsourcing coordinator at a local accounting firm. I typically work 8 am until 5 pm three days a week and until 3pm two days a week. I also run my etsy shop www.sewblessedbaby.etsy.com in my “free” time. I have recently been working hard to build up inventory for the holiday season. This part of my “work” is really a time to zone out and relax and I love being able to do it and have a husband that fully supports that! Joe works full time as well as a financial planner and leads a small group of middle school boys at our church.
The Day to Day:
A typical day in our house starts with me getting up at
5:30. I usually get showered and ready
for the day by 6:15 and head downstairs to pack lunches, make coffee and have
breakfast. Joe will usually gets up
between 6 and 6:30. He will help me get
Makayla ready if I am taking her to daycare however, most days he takes
her. His morning schedule a little more
relaxed compared to mine. If I take her
to “school” we try to leave the house by
7 if not a little earlier. We live a
distance away from our offices and traffic can sometimes be a bear. I have found on days I drop her off that
taking something to go for breakfast works well. Makayla is just a slow eater sometimes and
this helps the morning to move a little more smoothly. I drop her off at school and arrive at work
about 8 am. I usually pick her up in the
afternoon and we start our trek home, arriving between 6 and 6:30 most
nights. I try to have easier meals to
prepare for my longer days and cook something a little more “fancy” on my early
days. We buy all our meat in bulk and I
divide it out into meal portions before freezing in food saver bags. This helps with meal prep tremendously not to
mention the grocery budget! We usually keep are nice assortment of fresh
veggies so that any meal can easily be thrown together. I used to meal plan and really need to get
back into it!! Anyone have any great
meals? I got burnt out on our routine
I try to do something every night to keep the house “in order”,
whether it be doing a load of laundry, doing the floors, cleaning the kitchen,
etc. We try to pick up toys every night
before bed. I find I am more relaxed
when sitting down for the night if the room I am in is somewhat picked up. :) We do most heavy cleaning on the weekends,
Joe is a huge help with this. We also do
yard work on the weekends. We started a
garden this summer and just recently replanted for fall. Hoping to get lots of greens and beets!
Quality Time:
With Makayla quality time is usually spent according to her
needs. Sometimes she just wants someone
in the room with her while she plays independently. Other times she wants to be very
interactive. We adjust accordingly. Activities with her include reading many
books(this girly loves some books), going to the library, playing with her
kitchen and having a pretend picnics, singing songs together, and playing
outside (especially with sidewalk chalk).
With Joe we have most of our quality time in the evenings once
Makayla is down for the night. We love
to have stay home dates and enjoy a wine and cheese spread. Some nights we play cards, watch a movie,
sometimes we have deep discussions, or even just watch a couple shows that we
enjoy together.
We just purchased our first house under a year ago and have been
busy with making it our own. We have
very different schedules than most of our friends, and live a distance away
from many of our friends. This makes
time with them a bit more challenging.
We are currently looking for a small group to join with our church. We LOVE our neighbors and really enjoy
hanging with them as well.
Hope you enjoyed reading about our little family. Visit us over at www.jandbfriend.blogspot.com
for more of our busy life!

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