Hi All! Hope you are having a fabulous week and you are still enjoying this series.
We have a few more weeks...
Meet Rachel she blogs over at The Harvey Family. I have been following Rachel's blog for some time and she has two boys and they are close in age to my boys and adorable as well.
Hi Everyone! My name is Rachel Harvey, and I blog over at The Harvey Family when I have a spare moment, which lately is not often! I'm married to a wonderful man, Grant, and we have two little boys, Weston (3.5) and William (almost 2). I work full-time as an IT Project Manager/Analyst. I manage software development and deployment of mobile/handheld devices at a Timber Company. I'm typically in the office by 8:15 AM, and I wrap up my day in the office around 4:15.
A Day in Our Life
Grant sets his alarm for 5:45 AM, and he gets up and gets himself ready before the boys get up. Grant checks that I'm awake before he heads out to get the boys up and ready in the mornings. The boys usually get up between 6:00 & 6:15 AM, and Grant starts the coffee, and he feeds the kids breakfast and eats breakfast himself while I get a shower and get ready for my day. I am so grateful and feel very blessed that Grant does this and gives me some time to get ready in the mornings. I'm usually ready by 6:45 to 7:00 AM, and I head to the kitchen. Once there, I finish packing lunch for Weston and myself, and I grab my coffee and breakfast, and I help the kids finish getting dressed, shoes on and teeth brushed if they aren't ready to go when I finish up. We get in the car and try to head out for the day by about 7:30 AM. We arrive at daycare around 7:45 AM, and I drop the boys off in their classrooms. I leave daycare and head to my office. I usually arrive by 8:15 AM, and I start my day. I take the kids to daycare and pick them up everyday unless I have someone going on at work or am traveling.
I spend my day in the office filled with documentation, conference calls and email! I eat my lunch at the office, and I leave to get the boys around 4:15 PM. I pick the boys up around 4:30 - 4:45 PM, and we head home. We get home around 5:00 PM. I meal plan, so I usually have dinner prepped, in the crock pot or ready to go, so I can get dinner on the table within 30 minutes! While I'm finishing up with dinner, the boys play together or Weston plays an educational game on the iPad while William plays. Depending on the time and how long dinner is going to take, the boys will sometimes have a small snack while I'm getting dinner on the table. We eat dinner around 5:45 - 6:00 PM, and Grant gets home around 6:00 PM. He usually grabs a plate and sits down with us for dinner. After dinner, Grant gives the boys a bath while I start straightening up the house.
I start a load of laundry, pick up the house, set out the kids clothes for the following day and prep lunches for the next day. Once the boys are finished with their baths, they usually play in their rooms or read books until William goes to bed around 7:30 PM. I usually wrap up whatever I'm doing and join them for play time and reading. Once William goes to bed, Grant and Weston head out to the couch and watch Clifford together on the couch until 8:00 PM. Weston heads to his room at 8:00, and he reads a couple of books and then heads off to bed, as well. By 8:30 PM, both boys are in bed. At that time, I finish up folding clothes and putting clothes in the dryer. I finish up any cleaning or straightening up while Grant does the dishes. Then, I usually work-out...weights and/or running. After that, I shower and try to be ready for bed between 10:00 - 10:30 PM. I usually chat with Grant, and then I head to bed.
How We Get Things Done
We always make beds and ensure that the house is picked up before we leave in the mornings. In the evenings, we pick up every night before heading to bed. I do at least one load of laundry every day, and Grant usually is cleaning up the kitchen while I'm doing laundry. We vacuum and steam mop under our kitchen table at least every other day. Grant usually vacuum's, and I steam mop. We clean bathrooms/dust/mop, etc. on nights and weekends, and we usually share those chores. Grant is a huge help around the house!
Spending Time with the Boys
Our weekends are filled with time with the boys...we live at the beach, so we enjoy lots of beach and outdoor time! We play lots, and we just relax and spend time together as a family! We try to enjoy our time with the boys in the evenings, and we really try to focus on them...
Spending Time with Grant
Grant and I work together for the same company, so we see one another at work a lot, and we are fortunate to be able to talk and interact during the day. We also try to have lunch dates regularly! We don't spend a lot of time together in the evenings, but we do make time to talk, and we make time for regular date nights. Also, we try to make time for weekends away since the boys have two sets of awesome grandparents who are happy to keep them anytime we want to get away!
Spending Time with Friends
I have an awesome group of girlfriends that I am fortunate enough to spend lots of time with! We schedule regular GNO, and we usually get mani/pedi's, and we have dinner together. We also do an annual girl's trip, and we try to make a trip to the outlet mall together before Christmas. We sometimes do shopping together on a Saturday or Sunday, and we are able to spend quite a bit of time together. Grant is very supportive of me making time for my girlfriends, so he is always happy to come home early or keep the boys, so I can get away.
Thanks for reading about our life and our crazy busy day! It can get crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way! Follow me on instagram at mrsrachelharvey or email me atmrsrachellharvey@gmail.com! :)

I hope this blogger knows how lucky she is to have a husband who shares equal responsibility! I love my husband dearly but his work keeps him away and leaves me in "zone defense" with our two kids. It is crazy!
I read often, but very seldom comment. But I wish you old expand on meal preparation. I understand if you have it in the crock pot waiting, but what bout other meals? Does any mommy bloggers cook, freeze and then fix their meals? If so, can you or someone please give some examples. I get so bored with the same menu.
I read always and comment rarely. But can you or any other blogger mommies expand more about meals. For example: I get it if supper is in the crockpot waiting on you hen you get home from work. But what about the other nights? Does any mommies cook and freeze their meals and then pull them out? If so, can you give just a few ideas please. I get so tired of the same thing or that's the way it seems to me. I have no variety. Someone else could fix it and I would love it. Ha! Thanks so much!
Thanks for your comments! I do know how incredibly blessed I am to have an awesome husband who does so much for our family. We do split the responsibilities, and I'm so grateful. I'm traveling this week for work, and he is going at it alone! i know it's going to be a long week!
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