I love to blog, but every time I sit down to do a post my mind goes blank and I forget what I want to share with all of you. So this post will just be a lot of random thoughts.
We have a BUSY few weeks ahead of us. Are weekends are so full that we have to put up our Christmas Tree this weekend or it will not get put up this year. We are spending Christmas at home and we want to have all are sparkle out for Grayson's 1st Christmas. In fact Chad and I were discussing our plans to put up the tree and then I quickly realized that last year we got rid of our tree! Yikes! So this morning after we met with our financial planner we stopped at Hobby Lobby and got a new one! It is a 9 foot tree and I can't wait to show you the end result!
I love the Holiday Season and look forward to spending Thanksgiving with my sister and her family. I am hoping my mom is able to make the drive to South Dakota. Please no SNOW! If it SNOWS we are not going to drive either. We did that last year and it was not FUN! I can't wait to see my sister, her husband, Aidan, and Drew. We are also having Grayson's 6 month photos taken and a family picture taken for Christmas Cards. So in the short 4 days we will be there we have a lot to do!
Grayson is changing everyday and he just melts my heart. This weekend he did the cutest thing he would stick out his tongue and blow bubbles after Chad would do it. It was so funny! He did it over and over again! I will have to get it on video!
He is so close to rolling over. We were at our neighbors house last night and he was laying on the ground and rolled to his side and grabbed our neighbors shirt and rolled to his belly. Does that count?
Grayson is doing amazing at eating. He will not eat cereal without something with it. So I have been giving him sweet potatoes or squash with it and he seems to like it. I am so glad because I was starting to worry that he didn't like to eat cereal or veggies. I am making my own baby food with the help of the following site.
Grayson had a tough weekend with sleeping. He would take 30 minute naps and get up act HAPPY and 15 or 30 minutes later he would be tired again. It was very trying. I ended up just keeping him up until his next nap and he did the same thing. Then later in the afternoon/early evening he would nap for 3 or 4 hours before bedtime. Then for bedtime he would go down with no problems, but then he was up 4 to 5 times each night. It was wearing me out! In fact on Friday night I maybe slept 30 minutes the entire night because G would not sleep in his crib. Each time I put him down he would wake up and start crying. I think his teeth are bothering him. Thanks to Chad he got up with Grayson in the morning so I could get a few hours of rest before we started our day. Last night was a good night Grayson only woke up once at 2AM for his paci and then he got up at 4AM for a bottle. I was so worn out from the last few days that I went to bed at 7:30PM. I just keep telling myself that it will get easier and I will sleep again some day through the night.
Sorry for the random thoughts, but I wanted to catch you up on all our happenings.
Well I am off to the gym to workout and then going to go and pick up this cutie!
Happy Tuesday!
In case you ask... I got his shirt at Target!