It all started with an email. I received an email from IO Metro today as a preferred customer... yes I am a preferred customer I shop there all the time. This time it paid off they were having a special 50% sale for their preferred customers today. So I thought that I would go and see what they had. I will start with stating that I don't impulse shop I spend a few weeks even months thinking about buying something I want for my house before I go out and purchase. This particular purchase I have looked at many times and thought for months that they would like nice in my home. So when I walked in the IO Metro store this afternoon they had my chairs 50%. Yeah for me! So instead of thinking about them I just bought them. I got both chairs for $100.00! The chairs are now in my home and look great. Take a look at a few pictures of my new chairs. What do you think? If you live in Northwest Arkansas the IO Metro Stores are having a 25-50% sale this weekend starting tomorrow!
Love them!! They look great with the table. I think that we have the SAME table.. how funny!! Except ours has a bench on one side.. oh by the way.. I love the wallpaper, I think you should do it!!
They look awesome, I wish I could start finding beautiful items for our home to look more warm like yours, always keep an eye out for me. Love you. Amie
I just stopped by from Kellys Korner Blog....Wow! What a stunning dining area! I may have to go to IO Metro this weekend. I live in NWA and have never ventured to IO Metro! I think I may have to now!
Love them!! They look great with the table. I think that we have the SAME table.. how funny!! Except ours has a bench on one side.. oh by the way.. I love the wallpaper, I think you should do it!!
OH I LOVE THEM!!!!!!! Thanks for the tip - I'm on the lookout for a few things for our home!
Great buy!
They look awesome, I wish I could start finding beautiful items for our home to look more warm like yours, always keep an eye out for me. Love you. Amie
They look fabulous! Love them!!!!!
Cool chairs! Are you sure you did not miss your calling as an interior designer? You rock with talent. Wish we had such stores up here!
I love those chairs! :)
I love a deal like that on something you really want - they look great!
I love them!!!! They are fabulous!
What a great deal! I love them!! Email me- let's talk about your blog.
love love love the chairs!!
oh my, those chairs are beautiful!!
I just stopped by from Kellys Korner Blog....Wow! What a stunning dining area! I may have to go to IO Metro this weekend. I live in NWA and have never ventured to IO Metro! I think I may have to now!
beautiful chairs love the dining room where did you find those things beside your mirror I would love to see them in a picture!!
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