Yes I do the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels and I like it!
I have gotten several emails on tips and random questions about her program that I thought I would just do a post. They are my thoughts and so they might be all over the place, but I wanted to share with you my experience with this exercise program.
First I am no expert when it comes to working out. I like things that are quick and show results, otherwise I move on. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred has done this for me. It is great because I can either do it during Grayson's morning nap, during my lunch hour, or at night after Grayson has gone to bed. Personally I prefer to do the workout during lunch. I feel as if I am awake and have fuel in my body to really get a good workout. If I wait until the end of the day it is tough as I have no energy left after my busy day of being a working mommy. My first tip is finding what time of day works BEST for you. That way when you are doing the workout you are giving it 100%. I did get asked if I do the workout every day. No I do not do it every day. I really try to do it 5 days a week. I feel that I get the best results doing it this many days. I usually give myself a day off during the week and one day off during the weekend. This is what works for me, but it might not work for you. I will tell you that every time I do the workout I am so SORE! It is hard to do the workout when I am sore, but once I get pass Circuit 1 I am doing much better and feeling great about working out. It is something about the first circuit that gets me every time. But during the last two circuits I have so MUCH ENERGY!
Another tip I have is once you learn the circuits and what comes next try to focus on something else and not the TV. I find if I focus on something else I get a better workout and the time goes by faster. It is only 20 minutes, but it is a TOUGH 20 minutes. If you have done the 30 Day Shred you know that there are 3 Workouts. I usually do Level 1 always on Monday and after that I switch back and forth between Level 1 and Level 2. I haven't tried Level 3, but I am hoping that by the end of April I will be able to do Level 3. I should have stated earlier that I have been doing the 30 Day Shred off and on since March. I am so HAPPY that I decided to start doing the Shred again. I have several friends and family that have started the Shred and it is great to talk to them and hold each other accountable.
My final tip would be during the workouts Jillian always has a girl on the workout that does the modified version follow her until you are strong enough to do the entire exercise the right way. I personally think it is better to do the exercise the right way and take your time vs doing it incorrect. For example during the strength section if I can only handle one weight when I am doing the exercise I only do the one weight as I want to do it correctly and get results. I know over time I will get stronger.
In the end you have to do what works best for you. I personally can't always make it to the gym and giving up 20 minutes a day to workout works for me. I hope these little tips and tricks helped. Good Luck to all my Shred Friends and Family!
Keep it up!

i can't believe how many people are doing this, too... well, i can't really say "too" anymore... i started and did it for 4 days... then oliver got sick.. then i got sick... then no excuse! but, at least lately i've lost 21lbs with diet alone.. so now i need to get back in the swing of this!!
keep up the good work!... share measurements! (obviously you don't have to give your actual numbers, just like "i lost 1 inch on my waist.. .5in off my chest etc) if you want :)
I LOVE The Shred! I just did level 3 for the first time today and it was hard, but so worth it. I always feel so much better afterwards.
Thanks for sharing! I love the shred do & it does produce GREAT results! I think your tips were very true, & very helpful! I haven't done it in a while, but am motivated to get back at it! If a working mommy can do it a student-mommy can too! =)
I love the Shred too! I try to do 3 days a week and run 1-2 days....I just moved up to level 3 this month and really love it. It's a bit different than the other levels in that it includes strength in the cardio & has more core moves. I've seen great results!
I love the Shred! It is the best workout I've done (I'm not into traditional aerobics) that gives me strength training. I've been doing it about a month - I'm on level 2 with the odd level 1 day when I need fewer planks. I did Level 3 for the first time on Friday - It killed me but it was fun!
Glad to hear your review on this b/c I've thought about getting the Shred. I may try it after T and I finish doing the Couch to 5K if I make it though....ahhh!!! Hope you are having a good week friend :)Becky Branch
I have been doing the shred for over a month now and results have been slow for me :( I am on level 3 and working my butt off! I am hoping my body kicks into gear here soon! :)
I have been enjoying your blog, and Grayson is such a cutie pie!
I am doing the c25k and was incorporating the shred in with that on my off days from running…. Very bad mistake, should have stuck with running for the time being, just way TOO much on my knees, especially for a beginner such as myself. So I’ve laid off the shred for right now. But it really is such a good workout for only being 20 minutes!!! :)
Does it use wts?? I was just wondering b/c I do a group power class, well did one and was hoping to find something to do like that at home. You are right it is so much easier to just do it at home! And 20 minutes..that is all? wow, I can do that!!!
I had to comment to say that I just purchased this DVD! I am so excited to get started, and yet a little scared! :)
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