Tonight while I sit in bed catching up on the Bachelorette and searching Pinterest I found this neat PIN that I thought I would share with all of you!
It is on the Blog Counting on Me
if you click on the link above it will take you to the list of 101 Things to Do with Your Toddler
The past two nights we have gone to our friend's house to play and have dinner and Grayson has had the best time!
On Wednesday night he found their sprinklers and he HAD the BEST time.
boys will be boys...
We were getting ready to leave when he found them on top of it all I had just finished giving him a bath. Oh well it was fun to live in the moment and let Grayson run around playing in the water! Our little guy LOVES WATER!
Kelsey and Grayson playing together... after getting completely wet in his jammies I undressed him to his diaper and he had the BEST time!
Tonight he got to play in their pool after dinner and he was a little fish swimming everywhere! No fear at all!
and he also got to swing in Kelsey's swing
Grayson and I had a great mid week fun with friends!
So happy tomorrow is Friday. I AM SO ready for the weekend!
Working Mommy Post series will continue tomorrow morning so please stop by it has been a GREAT week! Thank you for all your love and support this week on this series!