A BIG thank you to EVERYONE for your SWEET words over the past week that the Mommy Posts were up! They were all WONDERFUL! I appreciate all the moms that did participate and a BIG THANK YOU HUG! I plan on doing this again later down the road maybe at the beginning of 2012. So stay tuned...
Since I didn't get a chance to blog about Grayson over the past several days I thought that I would do a series of pictures that state what Grayson LOVES!
I am hoping to have Grayson's 14 month post up tomorrow, but that is if I can get pictures of him tonight. We will see! I can't believe we are already celebrating 14 months!
another idea:
I was wondering if anyone else has trouble coming up with dinner recipes each night? Or do you seem to cook the same thing each night? My thought was doing a blog link up where we can all share OUR GO TO DINNER RECIPE...you know the recipe that you always make that everyone in your house will eat. Maybe each one of us can get a new recipe to try.
If you think this would be FUN let me know and if I get enough responses we will give it a go!
have a great night!