First of all thanks to Melissa for hosting this working mommy blog series, I am so excited to participate! I look forward to reading the posts!
Being a mom, working or stay at home, is a challenge, but it is wonderful and rewarding. I have always wanted to be a mom and was so excited that on September 2010 after a year and a half of trying that i became one to my sweet little guy Brody. I hope that this post will provide some helpful tips for moms out there to keep the balance of everything we try to juggle.
I am the kind of person that always thinks i can take on anything, I would rather do something myself than ever ask for help. I know that a lot of us moms are like this. Since I had Brody I had to learn to ask for help, don't take everything on yourself remember that you have people around you that are there to help and love you and your little one and would be more than happy to help you out. That being said i wanted to share some tips for getting things done at the Harris house.
- I get the majority of my daily cleaning done on my lunch break, I live close to work so I usually try to run home and vacuum, take out trash, wash laundry, etc. One day a week I try to run errands during this time. I do always try to use at least one lunch hour during the week for myself so I can blog, watch some TV on the DVR, read, or have a meal to myself. Always try to find time for yourself it makes you a better mommy! I always try to get as much done as I can during to week so we can have the weekend to spend together as a family.
- Use the crock pot! I have found a new love for the crock pot meals since Brody was born. It makes dinner so easy I can put it on in the morning or at lunchtime and dinner is ready when we get home. It makes clean up so easy. We do not have a dishwasher so everything has to be done by hand! Anything to cut the amount of dishes is good in my book! I have found some good recipes at
- Have less clutter, I think I was a hoarder before Brody was born. After he arrived I realized how much stuff I had that I did not need and then you add a baby and everything they have you will be taken over. Chris and I cleaned out and had a yard sale. With so much less clutter it makes it easier for us to keep the house organized. Also we got Brody some things he needed and had nice dinner date with the profits!
- Chris usually gives Brody his bath so I can go ahead and get his diaper bag packed for the next day, this saves so much time in the morning. Anything you can do the night before is great.
- I make time each day to have playtime with Brody and have conversation with Chris, this just makes the day better! You can get so wrapped up in work and housework it will overtake you.
A weekday at the Harris Household usually goes like this:
Chris usually leaves for work at 5:30 each morning
5:30- 6:20 wake up,shower, get dressed, put on laundry, get Brody daily bottles ready.
6:30- 7:15 get Brody up, breakfast, dressed, playtime, and cartoons and cuddle time with mom
7:20-7:30 drop off at daycare go to work, i live really close to Brody's daycare and my work.
7:30-12:00 work work work , answering phones, bank deposits, balance checkbooks, talk to customers, etc.
12:00- 1:00 lunch, cleaning , errands, etc.
1:00-4:30 work work and more work!
4:30-6:00 pick up Brody, Chris comes home, give Brody dinner, have dinner as family, wash dishes, clean up dinner.
6:00- 7:00 clean up get ready for the next day
7:00- 8:15 Chris and I play with Brody
8:15-9:00 Brody bedtime routine, bath, pjs, bottle, bed
9:00-10:00 Chris and I spend this time with each other.
10ish SLEEP
then we start all over again the next day!
I treasure the time I get to spend with Brody each day playing and watching him grow. I know that when I go to work that I am going so that I can provide for him. I wish I could be a stay at home mom with him but I just feel honored to be his mommy! I hope that sharing some of the things we do to keep it together helped you out!
Please feel free to email me at or keep up with us at Harris Family Blog
Thanks for reading this, I hope that everyone has a great day!
Thanks Hope for sharing your typical day with us! You have a sweet and happy family!
Thanks Hope for sharing your typical day with us! You have a sweet and happy family!