Yes we have been home from our trip for about two weeks, but I wanted to take the time to document Grayson's 1st Plane Ride!
Now that Grayson is FINALLY feeling better I am playing catch up with everything!
Grayson's 1st plane ride was on July 23rd, 2011 to go to Montana!
Here is our big guy waiting for our plane to arrive so we could get going!
finally on the plane first stop Chicago Airport
I was really nervous about how Grayson would do with the pressure and his ears so between the paci and the bottle of milk I had ready he did GREAT taking off. He slept about 30 minutes of the first flight and than he woke up. So glad he LOVES watching Finding Nemo I was able to entertain him with Finding Nemo and also a sucker before we landed in Chicago!
once we arrived in Chicago we were delayed for about an hour or so before leaving to our final destination Montana.
We did a lot of walking around the airport, chasing after Grayson, and playing with new things around the airport.
the second flight was horrible! Grayson was extremely tired did not want to sleep on me...he wanted his own space. About 30 minutes remaining in the flight Grayson finally fell asleep. Than we started descending to land at the airport and Grayson woke up and screamed for what seemed like FOREVER. We didn't arrive in Montana until midnight I was tired, Grayson was tired, and Chad was just glad to be off the plane! When we met up with my sister and mom I decided that flying was not fun with a 14 month old. After our first flying trip I was not looking forward to the flight back home in 5 days.
However MUCH to my surprise GRAYSON did wonderful on the way home!
Here he is at the Montana airport playing
He slept the entire 1st flight.
once we arrived in Denver we had a 3 hour layover so we enjoyed lunch with my sister Meahgen before she left too for her trip back to Hawaii.
Meahgen gave Grayson her pickle and he LOVED IT!
we let Grayson walk around every where at the Denver airport so on the last flight home he would sleep again!
and we got lucky he slept again...
so the flight home was 100% better than the flight to Montana!
I would also like to mention that all and all Grayson was a trooper given the fact that the morning we left until this past weekend he was sick with Rotavirus! 15 days of that nasty stuff!
I am so glad Grayson is FINALLY better!
What I learned on our first flight
~ bring a sippy cup or bottle with water or milk
~ suckers are a lifesaver
~ paci works great when taking off and landing
~ bring books
~ load iPad with Grayson's favorite movie
~ if sits are empty on the plane and you don't have kids, but are sitting next to a family that does offer to move so they can have the three seats. That would have been nice if that happened, but it didn't!