Not sure what to title this post since I haven't blogged in two weeks. YIKES! So I will just title it HI and say...
I hate that I haven't blogged, but I really haven't had much time too. We have had a lot going on and by the end of the day I just want to go to bed. So I do! Grayson is SO BUSY! He keeps me going all day!
With that I will highlight a few things:
Over the past two weeks Grayson started a new class room at school and even though we had a rough few days at the beginning, which in fact brought on another classroom change. We love Grayson's new teachers! They are wonderful in just the few weeks we have been going to this class. I am HAPPY to report that in his NEW classroom that he NOW takes a 1 to 2 hour nap each day! This is an amazing blessing to me! I now have a happy toddler when we go home each day and we get to play and enjoy the afternoon together before bedtime!
The only other news that has kept me away from blogging is Chad has been and is still really sick. I haven't said much on here, twitter, or Facebook. I just ask that you keep him in your prayers. We really hope that he starts feeling better this week. Having a sick husband is tough and I really want him back to 100% soon. Thanks for your prayers!
I hope that this week is a better blogging week for me and that you will continue to read. I have kept up with many blogs by reading on my iPhone while I snuggle with Grayson in the morning or when Grayson is napping during the weekend. Other than that I am busy keeping up with the house, taking care of and playing with Grayson, caring for Chad when needed, and of course working. It has been a crazy few weeks, but I hope over the next few weeks all will be calm. Wishful thinking I know!
I would like to end this post with telling all of you that I am so ready for the FALL. We are suppose to have high temps again this week. Yuck!
I finally took Grayson's 15 month pictures so I will have that post up soon! Hoping for tomorrow.
Happy Monday!