Our Weekend was SO BUSY...
but first here is an adorable picture of Grayson with his buddy Kelsey! They are watching toy story together. Kelsey just adores playing with Grayson and I think Grayson feels the same way! {this was on Friday night}
It started early on Saturday morning!
Chad and his buddy Brad went SKYDIVING! Yes you are reading this correctly they went SKYDIVING! Chad agreed to do this with his friend for his 40th birthday. He was nervous and ended up going first because he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to do it if he didn't go first!
What a great buddy Chad is for doing this... next year on Chad's 40th Birthday he has decided that Brad will have to run a full marathon with him. We will see if that happens!
Here are a few pictures!
Chad said it was a great time, but he would NEVER do it again!
The moment Grayson got in the car he was sleeping... it was a long morning outside playing with friends!
He got a short nap before we went to lunch with everyone that was at the skydiving event!
I love this picture of Grayson sitting at the kids table!
We quick ran a few errands before we headed to Grayson's school to meet his new teachers! We were briefly there and took no pictures. We wanted to run home to get Grayson to take a nap before we had to go to a birthday party.
It was a swim party and Grayson loved every moment!
Grayson was asleep minutes after we left the party!
Our Sunday consisted of going to church and attending the BIG 40th Birthday Party for Brad!
I took this picture of Grayson at church. He was more interested in the doors than anything else that day.
I didn't get any pictures at the party because I was so TIRED and busy running around after Grayson!
Our afternoon was spent at the house relaxing!
That was a brief summary of our weekend!