my title to this post is nothing special just sharing how I document pictures of my family, where I print images, and create books.
I have documented DAILY a picture a day for the past FOUR years and though it may seem like a lot it really is not TOO bad once you get a system down that works for you.
Instagram is that place for me because - one it allows me to use hashtags and two there are several APPS that will allow you to download pictures from IG. I still occasionally get my big camera out and take pictures, BUT not often enough!
Before I move forward thanks for the IG LOVE I got some really great new followers! So big hugs to you all!
IG is where you will see daily happenings in my life!
So do you use hashtags?
If you don't give it a try - think of unique names that no one will come up with is the trick.
I use hashtags currently for the following:
my daily favorite picture
Grayson hashtag
Crew hashtag
Stafford Brother hashtag - to capture moments when the boys are together
school hashtag
vacation hashtags
WHY use hashtags???
I can create books from an APP called Chatbooks and search hashtags and all of those images will load ONLY for that book to be ordered. You can change settings within the APP so you can see your comment you posted on IG or not when the photo book prints. It is great! Another great option is you can create an instagram series - this is where you can subscribe to a book series from your IG feed with little to no effort and at the same time you can search and load the images by an hashtag. When you get to 60 pages the photo book will ship to you. HOW great is that!
{I will note that I was not asked to do this post as a sponsership to Chatbooks I just wanted to share how I do things so maybe it will help others create lasting moments for your family instead of them seating on your Phone or IG account.}
below are a few Chatbooks I just received this week
I personally LOVE apps that make life easier. In terms of additional APPS for photography I like here is a list:
IG - Instagram
Pic Frame
Flipagram - make video with your IG account and with music!
Day One - place where you can document by day on a calendar and ADD an image to remember milestones
PicTapGo - I love this photo editing tool
Lastly I love having my IG photos in our house I have them in several formats from magnets on our fridge in our garage that I get from Sticky9
to little tiny circle magnets and bigger square magnets for our fridge in the house that I print from Print Studio
I hope this helps all of you build wonderful memories for your family.
Lfe is too short embrace create moments and document them for the future to see!
have a beautiful one,