last night as I was lying in bed thinking about our weekend I had a bit of mama guilt. we did many fun things over the weekend, but why didn't I enjoy every moment with the boys?
See there were moments when I worked on Saturday morning just to answer a few urgent emails that I didn't get to on Friday because I was working an event on the Bentonville Square and I felt like I needed to answer them. But really did I need to do so? Could it wait until Monday AM? Probably YES!
Than there were the moments that I was running around the house doing laundry, making beds, picking up toys, vacuuming the floors - making the house perfect before we did anything FUN. WHY?!? Because in my mind if all that was in order I could press on in the day with control over what the balance of the day was going to be like. During these moments of craziness I let the boys play with their iPad and although they were VERY happy doing so all I could think last night was I should have been doing something fun with them every moment over the weekend as we don't get to spend days together during the work week. Instead of making things perfect.
Boy is this a weakness for me...
I need to change and see the GIFTS that GOD has given me and not take it for granted. I am not promised tomorrow so I need to make each and every day the best it can be full of love and what will bring honor to God. Not sure a clean house is the case here!
I laid in bed praying for forgiveness and grace that I can let go of little details and focus on BIG things that will IMPACT my little guys and myself. I don't want them remembering that our house was ALWAYS clean. We did do fun things over the weekend and I should give myself GRACE that I did make memories with the boys. But in my heart it needs to be more! We need to be silly and laugh more! As I stated a week ago it is in my heart to seek GOD and do the work that he created me for. I may not know what the full details of that is however impacting and teaching my boys is my responsibility as a parent. They are the greatest blessing to me and my husband.
a few memories from the weekend thru pictures
these images give me prospective especially the final image where it was a last minute fun as we were watering the flowers for daddy turned into sprinkler fun and laughter!
have a beautiful one,

1 comment:
We love the Amazeum! So much fun!! So glad to see you blogging again. :)
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