my heart has been pulled to start AGAIN to document L I F E - share my heart - my passions - my loves - GROW as a person - I have overwhelming feelings in my heart that GOD is saying, "GROW MELISSA" spread your wings - be vulnerable, reach new limits personally, reach out to others, share your thoughts even if they scare you. We are not promised tomorrow so make the best of each day.
It has been an ENTIRE year since I blogged on Stafford Stories - WHY?
Life - always BUSY - with work and caring and loving my family.
however as I stated earlier we are not promised tomorrow and last week like many others in the blogging community we were and still are sad for the loss of Leslie from A Blonde Ambition . A gentle and joyful soul she was, with the sweetest girls, loving/supportive husband, and extended southern family you will ever meet. Please continue today and the days to come to pray for this family. It got me thinking go back to writing, sharing, and documenting life of my own family. So I am going to try!
Not only was I felt pulled to start writing again on this blog, but my heart was saying dig deeper seek God it is your time. I agree it is my time to GROW deeper to knowing God, trusting God, loving God deeper. So I am going to do it!
I am going to get off the mat. Make a difference in myself and others!
Slowing down and just embracing the moments in the day!
My sister shared this APP with me last week and lets just say it was PERFECT timing!
instead of your annoying alarm clock you are greeted each morning by God's word.
this morning my morning wake up was this... besides my two monkeys climbing into my bed at 6AM!
the passage states, Jesus reminds us in our key verse today that the work of God is to believe in Jesus. If we really want to put a finger on the pulse of how well we are serving God, then we must check how deeply we are believing Jesus and seeing Him change us on the inside. AMEN and this hits my heart and soul BIG time!
So in closing I will tell you I will be trying...
trying to share my heart
trying to make changes
because my heart and in my mind for over a week have said it is time Melissa don't be afraid.
love God GROW and SHARE him with all you come into connection with, but first I need to grow in my relationship with him.
Okay now that this is all out there and I am a ball of nerves I will move onto the day, but I will share you a few moments this weekend with my boys.
Crew was over the weekend and sleeping by 6:30 PM on Sunday {reason #1 why he was up at 6AM today}
since Crew was sleeping it gave Grayson and I time to spend one on one time playing UNO
I just loved this time with G!
Our weekend started off with the boys getting their new bunk beds and for now they are sleeping in the same room (reason #2 why Crew was up early Grayson woke him up to come down to my bed at 6AM I am sure of it) we will see how long sharing a room lasts. They both think the bunk beds are AWESOME!
Happy Monday Friends and I hope you will continue I mean start reading my blog again!
have a beautiful one!

Wonderfully written. An inspiration for me to start Journaling as well.
I noticed your new post on the sidebar of Kelly's Korner and I'm so glad you are back to blogging. I've missed your blog. Courtney in MI
So excited you are blogging again Melissa!
So glad you are back!!!!
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