so you might remember a time when I did a working mama post series.
I am going to do it again.
if you are interested in writing about how you do things as a working mama send me an email at
titled working mama post with your blog name.
I am planning on sharing my post with how we do things now with both parents working full time with a 5 year old and 3 year old.
Maybe we can all get some helpful times to either help us with household things and our errands so your weekend and week days in the evening are not consumed with these BORING tasks. I know I would rather spend time with my boys and my husband. Let's be cheerleaders for working mama's that may work at home or in an office. We all can benefit from a little encouragement or advise to help us make life easier. Looking forward to hearing from you lovely mama's...
here is a link to my working mama post from the past two times I have done this series.
have a beautiful one,