Yesterday Grayson and I had a great Friday...
He was so fun, no whining, no crying fits, etc...
I haven't mentioned this before, but Grayson has been going through a stage where he whines A LOT and CRIES when he doesn't get his way. I know that all of these moments are just stages that he will go through, but it was nice to have a ENTIRE day where he was HAPPY, LAUGHING, PLAYING, and TALKING ALL DAY LONG with the exception of when he took a 3 hour nap.
During nap time I spent time catching up on the February Photo of the Day Challenge and finishing up WASHING endless amounts of clothing for Crew. It is all clean and in storage totes until our nursery furniture arrives. Which will not arrive for another 2 weeks.
I also completely went through all of Grayson's drawers and cleaned out clothes, PJ's, shoes, and socks that don't fit. The only thing remaining is his closet. I plan on finishing that today!
Also this week I completely went through all my drawers and my side of the closet which included my shoe bins and organized.
I took so much to goodwill and my friend stopped by and went through my clothes. She ended up taking a lot of it! It feels good to have organized drawers and closets.
With that I am updating Our to do List before Crew arrives:
1. Crew's Nursery Furniture Needs to arrive and be setup in his room
6. Organize ALL closets in our house
Grayson's closet and drawers
9. Register at the hospital before delivery day
10. Finalize plans for Grayson on delivery day
11. Finalize Maternity Leave for myself and all the details - making progress and hopefully should have this completed soon :)
12. Decide on what to wear and take to the hospital for myself
13. Take bounce seat, baby bathtub, car seat, swing, and nap nanny out of the attic
14. Pack bags for myself, Grayson, and Crew. Chad will also have to pack his bag too for the hospital.
17. Setup Pack N Play in our room
20. Complete taxes for the year - everything is ready just need to schedule time with our tax guy!
21. Organize important documents in one spot
22. Catch up on Mixbook Photobooks
I feel as if I accomplished a lot this week!
Before I go I am adding my February Photo of the Day Update to this post
Day 07-10

Have a great weekend!

I love the gallery photos you have in Grayson's playroom. I am sure you posted about it but where did you order the pictures from?
I found your blog from Kelly's Korner. I love the bracelet with your boys names on it. Do you mind me asking where you got it? It is super cute!
I found your blog from Kelly's Korner. I love the bracelet with your boys names on it. Do you mind me asking where you got it? It is super cute!
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