A Comment answered from last post (I tried to email this person but no email could be found) anyways I would probably get between $10.00 to $15.00 gift card from Starbucks for each teacher and if you feel like you should do more you can add a simple coffee mug to the gift.
1. Crew's Nursery Furniture Needs to arrive and be setup in his room and put all clothes away etc. I really hope it is here this weekend.
2. Order Crew a chair like Grayson's for pictures - done and completed 01/15/2012
3. Get the carpets cleaned in Crew's Nursery
4. Crew's Bedding waiting for it to be completed and picked up
5. Crew's coming home outfit need to figure out what I want and purchase...decisions decisions!
6. Organize ALL closets in our house
My closet and drawers
Chad's closet and drawers
Grayson's closet and drawers
Crew's closet and drawers - need to also wash all clothes that are currently in the attic and organize by sizes
7. Find a toy chest for the playroom - the little toys are getting out of hand and they need a home after Grayson is done playing with them.
8. Finalize Health Insurance for the boys!
9. Register at the hospital before delivery day
10. Finalize plans for Grayson on delivery day
11. Finalize Maternity Leave for myself and all the details - making progress and hopefully should have this completed soon :)
12. Decide on what to wear and take to the hospital for myself
13. Take bounce seat, baby bathtub, car seat, swing, and nap nanny out of the attic
14. Pack bags for myself, Grayson, and Crew. Chad will also have to pack his bag too for the hospital.
15. Organize cabinet in kitchen for the boys, clean bottles, and get breastfeeding things organized.
16. Register for baby shower
17. Setup Pack N Play in our room
18. Chad wants to paint our bedroom and bathroom before Crew comes, knowing him he will do it!
19. Decide on doing something special with Grayson before Crew comes... ideas? This task is complete thanks to a blog reader for the idea!
20. Complete taxes for the year - everything is ready and our appointment is this week
21. Organize important documents in one spot
22. Catch up on Mixbook Photobooks
frame a day book 2012
month 19-21 month book Grayson
pregnancy book Crew
25. Order Medela Pump Plug In
23. Clean out our bathroom cabinets and organize the boys bathroom.
24. Purchase Big Brother gift idea and take to the hospital
26. purchase a few items we didn't get at our baby shower that we need
27. thank you cards from baby shower
Updating this list has really helped me stay focused and on track. So if you are pregnant and feeling overwhelmed with all the things you need to complete before your baby arrives this might help.
Updating this list has really helped me stay focused and on track. So if you are pregnant and feeling overwhelmed with all the things you need to complete before your baby arrives this might help.
So I got this image on my iPhone on Monday
I guess I take too many pictures...
has this happened to anyone else???
I have most of the pictures on my iPhone on my computer, but I love going back and looking at older pictures of Grayson...so I hate deleting them.
So now I have completely removed all the images from my phone and have a clean library to fill up again.
I guess this needed to happen before another sweet baby boy joins our family.
Does anyone use an online storage to house all the pictures you take of your kids? I have two external drives that I have our images on right now, but open for other suggestions. Thanks in advance!
Grayson decided on MONDAY morning to wake up REALLY early so I wasn't ready for the day so as I got ready for the day Grayson had fun doing this...
He is one busy boy!
Happy Thursday!
One more day and it is the weekend...

Just a caution -- I had a friend whose little girl was playing with the bottom rack of the dishwasher (like G in the above pics)...she tripped and fell on one of the "spikes" (can't think of a better word) and punctured a hole in her face. She was about G's age when it happened. So now I'm super paranoid about my kids (and other kids!) playing with it!! :)
I've gotten that notification on my phone so many times and I just had to finally be ok with deleting old pictures. I was the same way...even though they were on my computer I still liked having them on my phone. But the only way to keep taking pictures was to delete them. :(
Picasa is a free storage place to put your pics and you can organize by date, name, etc:))
Hope this helps.
About once every few months, I go and burn all of my pictures onto DVD's; and put them in a safe deposit box at our bank. I also had external hard drives, and 2 years ago it crashed, erasing all of our pictures. We could have sent it off to try to retrieve pictures, for about $3000. It was hard to put a price on pictures but I just couldn't justify 3 grand! I organize my pictures by kid, then by month and year, so they are all easy to find. Uses a lot of DVD's, but I feel comfortable with them this way...
Hope the furniture gets here soon!!
hahahaha love the pics of Grayson with his new "train" ha! To think all the trains he has and he loves that one best lol! That list idea rocks! I bet it has helped you tons! Sounds like you are nesting pretty girl! Fingers crossed Crew's dresser comes in soon! Hope you are feeling well!
Scary. My lil boy is 16 months old and loves to help with the dishwasher and climb over it and it always makes me slightly paranoid. This will make me even more cautious.
I saw your little side note. I am a teacher and gift cards are becoming more and more popular as gifts. Honestly, after 11 years, I have had my fill of mugs, frames, worlds best teacher gifts, etc. The gift cards are much appreciated. I have received anywhere from $5 to $20. As teachers, any little recognition from the student/parent is awesome. Even a handwritten note or picture are perfect gifts!
Wow- you have really knocked that list out! Hope your furniture arrives soon. I know you have to be getting anxious!
Have a good weekend :)
I just got that message recently and had to back all mine up. I use smugmug and can back them up from my phone with the app. It does cost money but I would rather pay and make sure I have my pictures
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