Crew's 1st Well Visit was this morning and he is WONDERFUL!
This makes my heart so happy!
Crew weighs 7 pounds
20 inches in length
head is 35.3 cm
Here is our little guy in a milk coma laying on the table at the doctor's office
It is so funny the things we have done differently with Crew vs Grayson.
I dry my hair in the bathroom and Crew is in our bedroom just a few feet away. I would never do this with Grayson.
We vacuum our house and when Grayson was a newborn or even now we would never vacuum unless Grayson was or is wake. Now we vacuum and he sleeps through it all!
I have the TV on right now as I type this post and Crew is sleeping soundly. For Grayson I would not do this unless he was up. I would make our house completely quiet so Grayson could sleep.
At 10 days old yesterday we took Crew to Walmart and did a little shopping at the mall. I don't think I left the house at all after Grayson was born. I think it took us awhile to get to the point where we were okay going out with Grayson.
Just typing all of these details makes me laugh how much we have changed as new parents and now seasoned parents.
I think I was nervous about what we would do if he cried and needed to be nursed etc. Now that Crew is our second baby I feel more comfortable with a feeding schedule and what he may need at any given moment. At least I hope :)
I found this great APP thanks to someone on Twitter mentioning it. It tracks feedings both breast and bottle feeding. I am breastfeeding Crew and this APP will track how long you are feeding, which breast you are feeding off of, and it will remind you when your next feeding is due. I love this APP and it is called iBaby Feed it is $1.99 for the iPhone.
Last night we took Grayson on a special frozen yogurt treat... just because, but really it was to satisfy a craving I have had forever.
as you can see he loved it!