Week 11 {frame a day}
Is all about brother love
This is the only day I was not able to take a picture of the boys together. But some great images individually of my sweet boys!
Grayson got the Toy Story collection from Gigi (my mom) and he had to have lunch with them.
Grayson is doing so well at being a BIG brother! He loves Crew so much and wants to hold him at least once a day if not more. Grayson has hit Crew a couple of times, but we correct him and tell him soft and sweet hands. He likes to touch his face and point to his eyes and nose. But once he is done holding Crew he starts pushing away Crew's head.
I am very proud and happy that Grayson is doing so well with Crew. The real test will be when I am alone with the boys for the first time. Chad is back to work this week, but my mom is here visiting from Montana and is a GREAT help to us.
Now that we have Crew and he is so little I now think Grayson is such a big boy.
He is a BIG boy and a great BIG brother!
Sorry for my lack of blogging I don't think I will be posting every day because when I do have a free moment it is at night and all I want to do is go to bed.
So thankful I have my iPhone it has allowed me to keep up with the frame a day project and take priceless pictures of my boys!
Have a great day!

These pictures are so precious :)
I love sibling pictures! They are both so cute! Isn't it crazy how BIG the older one becomes the second you have another baby!?
Love your pictures!! So addicted to instagram! 11 weeks has gone by fast!!
These pics are beautiful! Very glad to hear Grayson is adjusting so well :)
Take your time getting back into the swing of blogging. You will find your routine soon enough. In the meantime, just enjoy those boys!
Too precious!! Love the pics!!
I just realized that I hadn't commented to say congratulations on the birth of sweet Crew! He is just so cute, and I love the brother pictures...Grayson is such a great big brother!
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