Crew is 4 Months Old
and specifically I wanted to give you an update on his reflux not just for our records, but to share our difficulties as well.
Crew was put on Zantac on day 6 of his life and he was on it until he was 14 weeks old. I remember the day we stopped his medicine. We had a Reflux Appointment with his doctor on June 11th, 2012 to see how things were going. Things at that moment were not going well. Crew was not sleeping, all he did was cry, and he was spitting up everything. By the end of the day of NOT sleeping at all he was so tired and overstimulated that he would just pass out tired. Only to be up again a few hours later. Those 14 weeks we had our ups and downs, one day things would be going great and I would say I think the medicine is working, but than the next day things would be worse. During our appointment on June 11th, 2012 I was determined that we begin doing something differently because I could not continue on the path of NO sleep and working a full time job and caring for my family as well. So we started two new medicines, we continued with the Zantac but our dose was increased, but we also added Reglan. We would give one or the other medicine before each feeding. Crew was great at taking the medicine and I thought the first two days that things were going well, but on day 4 Crew started spitting up SO MUCH more. It seemed as if his ENTIRE feeding would come up each time. His clothes were always wet front and back and by day 3 and 4 he was spitting up through his nose. GROSS...
On Thursday evening, June 14th, 2012 we stopped all medicine. I just listened to my mommy heart and just knew this was not working. I contacted Crew's doctor the next morning and he was okay with the decision and we decided that we would see how he was at his 4 month well visit. I was okay with dealing with a little spit up and I just prayed and hoped that he gained weight and was doing well on the growth charts.
Crew today is 20 weeks old and has been MEDICINE FREE for 6 weeks and I will tell you that he is a HAPPIER baby and doesn't spit up near as much. We just take each feeding slow and keep him upright as much as possible after he eats. Crew sleeps 100% better and doesn't cry near as much as he did before. Crew use to Crew all the time and I think looking back he was in pain, but at the time I thought I was doing what was best for Crew. Now Crew only cries if he is hungry or tired. He is a different baby and I am glad I listened to my mommy heart.
At Crew's 4 Month Well Visit he gained weight so his doctor saw no reason at all to change what we were doing. It was great to hear and a happy baby in our house means a happy mommy.
I only share our story with you to tell you that any mommy that has a reflux baby that you are not alone. Talk to other moms and share your story. You never know who you can help. I know how tiring it can be and my heart goes out to you. In fact another reason I am writing this is I recently read a blog post from a blogger that I follow and my heart just ached for her and the struggle they are currently having. I just hope that they find something to help soon with their baby.
We still have moments of consoling, but it is nice when Crew naps he doesn't wake up 10 minutes later needing to be consoled back to sleep. If you console a baby all day long you know what I mean...
Our Crew is a HAPPY baby when he gets good naps and eats well.
Another thing that I noticed since we stopped the medicine is that Crew will now play under his play mate or the bounce seat where as before he would cry the moment I put him down. I spent a lot of time doing things with Crew in my arms for those 14 weeks. I am glad that this is behind us and we have a HAPPY and HEALTHY baby Crew.
Again this is just for my journal keeping and to tell other moms out there that you are not alone.
I am happy to listen to any mommy out there if needed.

It breaks my heart hearing what you and Crew have been through. So happy he is doing much better and is so much happier!
Prayers that it continues!
I'm so glad Crew's feeling better and you are all getting some sleep!! Both of my boys had severe reflux and I know exactly how you were is SO hard and exhausting for everyone!!! I love the adorable pictures...soooo sweet!!!
A lot of people see a chiropractor for reflux and have really good luck with it.
So glad you shared that. My son struggled with it too and it can totally exhaust you. Good for you for listening to your mommy voice!
My twins had reflux really bad too. Cason had two little events when he decided to hold his breath to the point of passing out. Nora would have milk come out her nose, mouth and gag. It was horrible. I begged the medicine b/c after the turning blue and not breathing I could not sleep. The zantac made things worse for us, so I went with my mommy gut telling me to try cereal. We did and since then we have been much much better. Thanks for sharing.
Our Daughter had really bad acid reflux, as well. She was our first baby, and I remember wondering if this constant crying and waking every ten minutes day and night was just a normal baby thing. It was a relief to hear that incessant crying is not normal baby behavior, and that the acid reflux would eventually go away. She is fine now at 15 months, thank goodness, but I do remember that very difficult time when she was going through the worst of her acid reflux. Now we are due with number 2 (a boy) and I do have some Mommy fears that he will have acid reflux, too. So glad that Crew is feeling much better- from one acid reflux Mommy to another, I know just how great it feels when that darned acid finally goes away. So happy he's a growing, happy little man!
I am glad to hear Crew is better without medication. However this is not typical. My daughter ( who is currently 9 months old) cried non stop for the first five months of her life because of reflux. Medication does not stop reflux however it assists with future complications reflux causes. Also once this erosion begins it takes 4 months for it to heal. These are some thing my peds did not even know, it wasn't until I took her to a feeding clinic and specialist appointment.
My daughter also had terrible acid reflux until she was 9 months old. She never slept. Ever. She needed to be held upright at all times and I can honestly say it was the hardest time of my entire life. I thought I was going to lose my mind between this and adjusting to being a stay at home mom and never seeing adults anymore! I ended up having to cut out dairy, wheat, beans, sugar, and a few other things and it helped so much (I breastfed until she was one)! The prescription medicine didn't help much. All that to say she's almost two now and I'm wanting another baby but I am TERRIFIED. I feel like I cannot go through that again! So glad he's doing better for you.
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