Grayson had his 4 Month Appointment this morning and Mommy had to go by herself. I was nervous because I knew he had to get shots and I hate when he cries. It makes me so SAD.
Grayson weighed 13 pounds 7 ounces and is 24 inches in length.
I really thought that he would weigh more, but he is still our little peanut. Yes he did cry! It was horrible, but I did have a bottle ready for him after the shots and it made it all better. I did learn a few things this morning, one don't make his appointment during his nap time. Second put Grayson in loose fitting clothes that won't rub on his skin. I am glad that I had a second outfit in his bag that was perfect for him to wear! After his appointment I dropped him off at daycare and he had a sad day! I called after lunch and he was fussy, had not napped, had a low grade fever, and cried through his bottle so I immediately went and got him. Once we got home I rocked him to sleep and he has been sleeping for the past two hours.
I hope he feels better tomorrow as I have work appointments and he has to be at daycare almost all day. Love my little guy to pieces and I hate to see him hurting!
Have a great Wednesday night!