So I am in Los Angeles until Friday for work and with that it is my 1st trip away from Grayson. My heart hurts and I miss him so much. I try not to think about it too much because if I do I cry. He is in GREAT hands with Chad and our good friends Mary and Greg. I left this morning at 7AM central time and arrived in LA at 11:40AM pacific time. I am extremely tired and looking forward to going to sleep. I just have to pump one more time before going to bed. Traveling and Breastfeeding/Pumping is not fun! I spoke with Mary and Chad after work and Grayson is doing great! He is eating, sleeping, and playing. I miss him so much! I can't wait for Friday when I am back home. Until then I will enjoy sleeping through the night for the next two nights and the weather is PERFECT here! Love it!
Love and Miss my Little Guy!
I took this picture at church on Sunday!