First I will start this post by saying I was the Mommy-to-Be that said the following:
~ I will put my baby in his crib from day one
~ He will NOT sleep in our room
~ I will not rock him to sleep
and all of my friends would say wait until he gets here it will all change. Well it did and in a BIG way! Grayson has not slept in his crib at night, yes he sleeps in our room, and yes we rock him to sleep. So to all the mommies to be never say never. That is one thing I have learned. Just go with the flow and follow your heart. With that being said at the beginning of the week Chad and I decided that it was time for Grayson to sleep in his crib at night. So we purchased a few things this past weekend to help Grayson adjust to his crib and for me to sleep at ease. I have a fear that he will roll over and stop breathing.
So on Monday we got everything setup and ready! The only problem is the Angelcare system is beeping at us and when I read the direction it states that the sensor pad does not detect movement, but when I take Grayson out and forget to turn it off it goes off. So I am a bit confused. We did purchase the plywood board that they recommended, but still is beeping. Do we need to do something else? What I like so far about the Angelcare system is that it tells you the temperature of his room. Which is really nice! So we did start on Monday night and here is how it went, he slept from 8 to midnight in his crib. I rocked him back to sleep and put him back in his crib, but an hour later he was up again. I was so tired that I just brought him to our room. This is how it went Tuesday and Wednesday night too. Right now he is sleeping in our room because our little guy is sick. If you follow me on Twitter you already know that I have been sick for the past two days and last night Grayson woke up with a fever and not feeling well. He hasn't eaten normal today and both times I fed him tonight he has spit up about half of what he eat. We hope that we both feel better tomorrow. But we did have Chad home with us today to help take care of mommy and Grayson. What a blessing!
We are ready for Grayson to sleep in his crib because of two reasons we don't want to create a habit (which we probably already have) and second I am leaving for LA next week and our friends the Ramsey's are coming to help Chad with Grayson. It would be nice if he was at least sleeping in his room. He does take naps in there, but we have always put him in our room. It is just easier for me to roll over pick him up and nurse him if he wakes. I plan on focusing on it this weekend and getting him to stay in his crib. Any suggestions out there? Would you let him cry it out?
Here are a few pictures of Grayson