It's a MONDAY!
I was not READY for this Monday! Wishing it was the weekend still...
Spider-Man was ready for the day
I just love his personality!
He said it was his "JOB" to hit and fight the bad guys...ha!
any other mama's out there with a three year old boy or girl are they going through separation anxiety?
I can't leave a room and Grayson panics and wants to know where I am going or he is following me every where...
How is the best way to handle this? I want him to be independent and be okay with me not always being there. Is this just a phase? Should I be patient and in time this will pass?
What are the best steps to take?
I keep telling him that I will be back, but he panics and needs to be with me.
Tomorrow I am writing a post about Grayson and his new school... we are SO happy!
My train LOVING boy Crew up EARLY this morning ready to play trains! This toy has been the best gift for him. He plays with it daily!
It can be exhausting putting it back together over and over again, but I love seeing him push the trains and say choo choo...
Crew turned 19 Months this past Wednesday!
I can't believe he is already this age...
I spent the weekend changing out his closet and packing up 12 month and younger clothes... which are now heading to Kari Beth's house for baby Harry!
Crew is talking more and is a busy boy! He can clearly say Grayson's name and he loves seeing Grayson for the first time in the morning or after nap he gives him a BIG hug and a KISS. IT is so adorable! He has a sweet spirit, but can be rough and tough.
He is a mama's boy
Loves his blankets - he would drag those blankets every where if I let him
Crew loves to play peek-a-boo
Crew loves to eat and since I was gone last week on a business trip I came back to a little guy that eats all the time! I spent the day on Friday with them and all this weekend I felt like all I did was feed both my boys... growing boys! They must be preparing me for the future!
Crew loves to dance
Crew loves playing with cars and trains
Crew loves to pick on his brother and take things from him... yes it is already starting...
Crew weighed 24 pounds and was 30.75" in height at his 18 month well visit. He is getting close to the same size as Grayson...
Crew's smile melts my heart and he is stubborn just like his mama!

I must say, that is one cool Spiderman you have in your bathroom. We bought Superman on Friday for Parker. Now he goes to his closet every day and trys to talk me in to letting him play in it. As far as the seperation anxeity goes, I think it must be a phase. Parker is the same way but it's not consistant. It happens 1-2 times per week. He will beg me not to go to work, wants me to tote him around where ever I go, you get the picture. I hope it gets better soon.
For the separation, try telling him"Mom is going to the next room(or wherever) and I will be back. Stay here and play ." Sometimes kids justy need to be warned about the separation.
Such adorable pictures! The spiderman one is especially cute! :)
We have a 2.5 year old and are experiencing the same separation issue. I have no advice, but glad to hear we are not alone.
We have a 2.5 year old and have the same separation issue. I have no advice, but I'm glad to hear we're not alone.
Crew is absolutely adorable. As for separation anxiety, my 12 months old daughter is the same. She follows me everywhere and sometimes wails as soon as I take 2 steps away from her. I hope she will grow out of this phase soon. Good luck to you too!
I can totally feel for you on this one. My Little Man will soon be three. Each day when I drop him off at school (or daycare, school makes me feel better), I never know what to expect. He may walk right in, immediately get distracted and drop off is a piece of cake. Other days, most days lately, his teacher has to peel him off of me and I have to walk away. And that's what I do. I walk away, totally. I used to stand outside the room to wait for his cries to subside but I don't do that anymore, it's too hard. Thing is though, they always say he is done crying by the time I get in my car. And I believe them....
The other recent incident came last week. He is just now starting to sit in children's church. Last week, (which would have been week 2), he had a meltdown, did not want to stay. So, I told him he'd have to be quiet in big church and sit with mommy and daddy. As soon as we got up there, and he saw that we weren't truly leaving him, he was ready to go back down.
Basically, I've said a lot, but have provided no help. All I know is that it does appear to be a phase. One thing I have worked really hard to do is always say goodbye. I don't like to sneak away or just disappear. I want him to learn and to know that when I say goodbye and walk away, (Lord willing) I'll be back.
Am visiting from Kelly's Korner. I am a work out of the home Mommy and plan to check out your series! I'm also your newest follower. Glad to meet ya. :)
My 3 year old son is also very attached right now. We tried to drop him off at Sunday school this year and he just screamed and screamed for me. Needless to say he spends Sunday school hour with Mommy while we wait for his siblings. I'm also hoping its a phase and will get easier. My other kids didn't do this.
My 3 year old son is also very attached right now. We tried to drop him off at Sunday school this year and he just screamed and screamed for me. Needless to say he spends Sunday school hour with Mommy while we wait for his siblings. I'm also hoping its a phase and will get easier. My other kids didn't do this.
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