Thanks to all that sent me a message! Great to hear from all of you!
Question 1:
Describe your perfect day?
This is a GREAT question! My perfect day would be at home playing in the playroom with my boys in our pj's and not leaving the house. I love seeing the playroom fill up with TOYS every where! I know it is a good play date when it ends up with every toy bin EMPTY!
A Perfect Day with my husband would be starting the morning watching a movie, I love being lazy in the mornings watching a movie or TV (I never get to do this anymore). In the afternoon it would be a quiet lunch at the park on a blanket with the warmth of the sun on us. Not too hot, but the weather is a perfect FALL day. In the evening it would to get dressed up and go to dinner and spend hours talking and enjoying each other's company. This to me would be perfect!
Thanks Dana for your question!
Question 2:
What kind of carseats do we have?
We have the Graco MyRide 65 DLX for Grayson and he is three and 28 pounds and we have had it since he was one years old!
In his daddy's Jeep we have the Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Car Seat. Both GREAT seats in my opinion!
For Crew we have Graco My Ride 70 - great seat too! We got this when Crew was one and we had it rearing facing too!
In his daddy's Jeep we have Graco My Ride 65 LX Convertible Car Seat, this when is okay not my favorite. It seems like the seat in this one is deeper.
I hope this helps!
Question 3:
What brand is our train table in our playroom?
It is the Imaginarium City Central Train Table
Question 4:
Where are your picture frames from in Grayson's Room?
Orange Frame - fits a 11x14 picture
Brown and Turquoise Frame - both fit a 8X10 picture
They are from Junque2Jewels you can find her facebook page here!
She is local for any local girls!
Question 5:
Where are your canvas prints from in the playroom?
I had them printed by a company called:
the size in the playroom is 16X20
Question 6:
How did you come up with the boys' names?
Grayson Konnor
Grayson's name was a favorite of my sister Amie. She wanted to name her little boy Drew, Grayson but it didn't get chosen so when I found out I was having a boy it went on my list and I wouldn't have a different name for my little boy. I love it!
Konnor is a name I love as well! I watched a little boy named Conor while I went to collage and I have always LOVED that name since. So that is how we got Grayson Konnor
Crew Winton
When I was pregnant with Crew I wanted a different and unique name so I was looking at personalized product on pinterest and on a bracelet was the name Crew, I loved it instantly. Chad loved it too we just had to figure out the spelling start with a C or a K. We decided to stick with C...
Winton is a family name on Chad's side. Before getting pregnant with Crew, Chad said if we have another boy we are using the name Winton as the middle name. Winton is Chad's Grandfather's name. I love how these names sound together and it is so cute to hear Grayson say, Crew Winton!
Question 7:
What do I do for a job?
I work for a TOY supplier and handle the Walmart and Sam's Club account. FUN JOB YES!
I was in Hong Kong for the Toy Fair and a few weeks prior to that I was in Dallas for the Fall 2014 Toy Preview Show.
image before I landed in Hong Kong
Day 1
pants from Elysian Boutique shirt is a cream piko top from Riffraff
Day 2
cream blouse from Elysian Boutique gap skinny jeans black and shoes are from Elysian Boutique as well
Day 3
meeting day
top and skirt from Ann Taylor Loft
shoes are Jessica Simpson I have had them for a few seasons
necklace is from Anthropologie
As for my husband he works for a "small" company called Walmart...
he works at their home office
Question 8:
Why did we change our sons' daycare?
the boys on their first day!
We changed daycare for several reasons and I am glad that we did. The main reason we changed is we wanted more structure for Grayson, meaning more sit down do activities, follow rules, etc. Essentially prepare him for Kindergarten. At their old school I didn't feel as if Grayson was getting this type of structure. (my personal opinion)
Grayson is thriving at his new school and tells me all the time what they are learning. He can relate the letter they are learning for the week or month to toys he has or objects he sees in our house that they oblivious talk about at school.
Since moving Grayson LOVES to go to school, no tears to go to school and he is excited about going! That makes me equally happy!
It was a tough decision, but all I can say is if you struggle for months to get your child to go to school and all he does is cry and you have tried several options with the school maybe it just isn't the right fit. We struggled with Grayson wanting to go to school from about 2 1/2 until we left this past August.
Crew is our happy kid and just goes with the flow. I look forward to seeing the changes in Crew as he moves up classrooms.
I love the size of the center and how every teacher knows who your kids are, and the great communication between parent and teacher.
We are happy!
Question 9:
Where did Chad and I meet?
Chad and I met when I worked at the Walmart Home Office. We worked in the same department and developed a friendship and soon after I left that department for another department Chad asked me out on a date.
We went on several dates and instantly had a connection. We are a good balance for each other. He is the life of a party and I am quiet and was a perfect match. Long Story short we got married in 2006 in Jamaica and our love story began long before that, but our family started on that day in 2006. We become a family of two and our family grew to three in 2010 and to four in 2012. I feel blessed to be Chad's wife and the life that he has given me and my boys.

Thank you for sharing the answers to all of the questions. You truly are blessed and it is wonderful to see that on your blog and in your posts.
Thanks for answering mine : )
great photos!!!
XOXO Bunnie
LOVED this post!!! Thank you for sharing a little bit if YOU with us :) I love to hear you talk about your boys (all 3 of them) .. I can FEEL the love you have for them! :)
Hope you're having a fantastic week!
Can you share where your outfits are from? Love them!
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