Today I finally had my 3D/4D Ultrasound, but Grayson didn't want to come out and play! He was missing his daddy. I haven't said anything on my blog, but Chad has been at his parents all week to visit his dad. He felt the need to make one final trip to TN to see his dad and since he is still working on the details of a job at Walmart it was the best time for him to go.
But with sadness...
Chad's dad passed away last night after battling cancer over the past year.
It has been a sad few days for Chad, myself, and his family, but we know that Heaven just gained another beautiful soul...Millard Smith! So needless to say today I was feeling stressed, anxious, and sad. I hate that I am not with Chad. I feel that I should be there for him during this difficult time, but I have to do what is best for Grayson and I. Funeral arrangements are on Saturday March 6th, 2010 in Tennessee. Thank you all for your prayers over the past several weeks.
You all mean so much to me!
So I went to our 3D/4D appt this morning with two great friends Kim and Ashley. I was so glad that they could be there for me. Thanks girls for taking time to go with me. It was great to see Grayson and hear his heartbeat, but our little stubborn or shy boy would not move his arm or hand from his face. So I didn't get to see it. We did see that he still is 100% BOY and right now he is in the breeched position his head is up by my ribs and his bottom is sitting on my pelvic bone. He did move his hand once and we got a side profile view and when I saw it I thought to myself he looks like my sister's boys. The good news is that I get to go back next Thursday for another try and Chad will be able to go too! I did get a few photos, but I will see what I get next week before sharing them with all of you. Hopefully he will put on a better show next week when Chad is with us.
Tomorrow I have my last monthly doctor's appointment, the Glucose Test, and I get a shot for being Rh negative. I am looking forward to my appointment and will have a full update for all of you on Monday during my weekly pregnancy post.
The Allora Handmade giveaway ends tomorrow, don't forget to check it out here!