WOW Week 30!
It seems as if my pregnancy is going by so fast! Before I know it Grayson will be here. I am so excited, but at the same time I have been feeling anxious. I have some many concerns and just want everything to go perfect before and after Grayson is here. I am trying to relax and just let everything happen and not worry about the small stuff. But I am a planner so I just want to have all the details ironed out!
A few small updates:
Our 3D/4D Ultrasound went perfect! Grayson did great and he showed us his little face and he is still 100% a boy!
Last week I had the three hour Glucose Test and I finally passed. What a relief I don't know if I could have done that test again. The first time I had the Lime flavor drink and I thought it was okay and the second time I had the orange flavor. I thought it was much better then the Lime flavor.
Grayson's dresser and glider are on back order until mid April. So now we just have to wait. I am hoping that it arrives before my baby shower so when my family is here they can help me organize and get the final details together before Grayson arrives.
Chad and I finished our Target registry, but we did not make it to Tulsa to finish the Babies R Us registry. After a long and busy week last week we decided to stay home and rest.
Grayson is about 15.7 inches long and weighs almost 3 pounds, like a head of cabbage.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 30 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 10 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I am wearing my maternity jeans and loving them. They are so comfy!
Best Moment this week: Completing our Target registry and sharing Grayson's nursery with our friends (including you) and our family.
Gender: It's A Boy - Grayson Konnor!
Movement: Yes it is AMAZING! Chad and I love feeling his little kicks and movements every night before we go to bed.
Food Craving: Honey Nut Cheerios, Dark Chocolate, and Chocolate Muffins from a local bakery in Bentonville. They are so Yummy! New Craving: Cinnamon Bears and Twizzlers
What I miss: Sleeping on my belly and sleeping through the night!
Sleep: Sleeping okay just a lot of dreams - everything from Grayson being here to breastfeeding!
What I am looking forward to: Everything about the next 10 weeks before Grayson gets here and I have a doctor's appointment this week, which means I get to hear Grayson's heartbeat!
Belly Button: In for now, but it looks like it is going to POP out!
Symptoms: Heartburn, Tired all the time now, and I have had a sharp pain in my sternum over the past several days.