Today I am 29 Weeks Pregnant! It is amazing that in 10 weeks or so Grayson will be here. Chad and I are both so excited. Today we had our 3D/4D Ultrasound and Grayson is perfect. He showed us his face and we got some great pictures and a DVD to share with our friends and family. Last week I told you that I was scheduled to have the Glucose Test and I really thought that I would pass. Well I didn't so tomorrow I have the three hour test. Oh I am not looking forward to drinking that orange drink again. I also found out that I am Anemic so I am now taking Iron pills. Grayson's heartbeat was 144 and my belly is measuring at 29 weeks. I am happy to report that everything is going great!
Grayson is 2 1/2 pounds the size of a butternut squash and 15 inches in length. He is moving a ton and likes to kick and jab me throughout the day!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 29 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 10 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I purchased two pair of maternity jeans from Gap Maternity and I wore one pair last Friday they were big, but they were comfortable. Then at church on Sunday I wore the other pair and they are very comfortable. In this picture I am wearing them. I am still wearing my normal shirts and dresses!
Best Moment this week: Seeing Grayson twice once last Thursday and today!
Gender: It's A Boy - Grayson Konnor!
Movement: Yes it is AMAZING!
Food Craving: Honey Nut Cheerios, Dark Chocolate, and Chocolate Muffins from a local bakery in Bentonville. They are so Yummy! New Craving: Cinnamon Bears and Twizzlers
What I miss: Sleeping on my belly and sleeping through the night!
Sleep: I sleep well and I am comfortable, but I miss sleeping through the night.
What I am looking forward to: Everything about the next 10 weeks before Grayson gets here!
Belly Button: In for now, but it looks like it is going to POP out!
Symptoms: Heartburn and Braxton Hicks Contractions
Stop by tomorrow and I will share a few pictures of Grayson's Nursery! It is perfect!