I have been meaning to blog about our Magic Week with Grayson
Week 6
I felt during this particular week that I started knowing Grayson well!
I knew his cries better and the meaning behind each cry...
I knew when he was hungry...
I knew when he was gassy or having trouble popping...(sorry TMI)
I knew when he was starting to get tired and needed to be put to bed...
and I knew how to hold him to fall asleep...
I started learning that he cries just for awhile before he starts to wake up from a nap, but then he stops and is Happy...
before then
I felt like I was trying a 1000 plus different things
and being a new Mommy it was overwhelming, but now I feel as if I know my little G!
So to all those new Mommies the Magic Week for us was Week 6...
so when you are feeling lost and wondering when the endless nights of no sleep will end for us it all started turning around at Week 6. Grayson sleeps at least 4 hours if not more during the night and the best part of Week 6 for us was seeing Grayson's first smile! So please know it does get better. Every Mommy I know would tell me this and it is true it does get better. Grayson is now 8 Weeks Old and it keeps getting better and better with each passing day!
But please know we still have our difficult days where I don't get to shower until Chad gets home. But I would not have it any other way.
I hope all you new Mommies reading this have your Magic Week Too...