It has been one of those weeks and it is only Tuesday! I planned to post Grayson's nursery pictures and details, but I haven't had time to take new pictures or write the post. Hoping to do so tomorrow because right now my baby is sleeping in his nursery and I don't think he is going to wake anytime soon. He didn't sleep at ALL at daycare today. So it has been one of those weeks where I have a lot to get done and going to the dentist today to get new fillings(replacing silver fillings with clear) which turned into getting a crown on top of having to get a root canal was not my ideal way to spend two hours this afternoon. So needless to say I am in a lot of pain and ready for BED. Please pray that Grayson sleeps thru the night. Here are a few pictures I took of Grayson on Sunday night it was a beautiful night here and I took Grayson outside to play.