I have a mommy's boy on my hands. I didn't expect this to happen this early. He will be 5 Months Old this coming Sunday and this past weekend he showed us that he loves his mommy. Several friends throughout the weekend tried to hold him and he would turn his lip upside down and start crying. It was so sad to see him get upset. Normally he will smile and let anyone hold him. Not sure if he was just tired or if he just wanted his mommy. We had a busy weekend and enjoyed time as a family and with our friends. I brought my camera with me, but I was so busy holding Grayson that I didn't get a chance to take any pictures. Here are a few pictures that my girlfriend Ashley took last night at her parents house.
I love this picture!
Grayson and Avery - Boyfriend and Girlfriend
Love that Avery has her hand on Grayson's leg... too cute!
Grayson is under the blanket sleeping
It was a great night of quiet times on the lake, boat ride, dinner, fellowship, and laughs. I told Chad when we were driving home that we need to get together with our friends more often and enjoy a few laughs.
Have a great Monday!