Show Us Your Life Dining Room
I am a day late with posting, but our Little G has been sick and we ended up at the doctor's yesterday morning. Grayson has Whooping Cough and we are so sad for him. He seems in good spirits just the cough is bothering him. He has been sleeping a lot today too. He is on antibiotics for the next five days and cannot be around kids for 24 hours. Which is sad because Grayson had a birthday party (HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRODY) to go to today and we had dinner plans with some friends. Oh well we will do dinner with our friends next weekend. Have a Happy Saturday!
As you step inside our front door you will enter our Formal Dining Room.
Our table and chairs are from IO Metro in Rogers, AR and the rug is from Target
This view above is from the Kitchen~
This view is from the Garage Door~
I hope you enjoyed looking at our dining room!