Today Grayson you are 7 Months and 1 day Old!
Can you stop growing up so FAST!
This past month you have accomplished so much it has been a BIG month for you!
~You finally are officially rolling over from your back to your stomach with no problems at all...Yeah Grayson!
~You are sitting up all on your own
~You got your 1st TOOTH
~You got your 1st double ear infection
that is a lot of things for a little guy!
Now for your additional monthly highlights:
~You weigh 16 pounds (we went to the doctor last Thursday)
~ You are wearing size 2 diapers during the day and I put you in a size 3 diaper at night
~ You are wearing size 3-6 month clothes and we are just starting to wear size 6-9 month clothes
~ You wear size 6 month PJ's and mommy loves Children's Place PJ's
~ We just moved up to size 6-12 month socks as the size 0-6 month are getting small
~ You drink breast milk and love your baby food. The only fruit you don't like are peaches and you love all the veggies
~ You just started noticing Bella (our weimaraner) and you laugh and smile real big...I just know you love Bella and I hope you two will be great pals one day
~ You still love your jumperoo and can play in it forever
~ You love to sit up and play with your toys...this is your new favorite thing to do
~ You love looking at books
~ You love listening to music and when we sing songs you just laugh and smile so BIG
~ You still hate getting dressed and changing your diaper is a challenge because you are constantly moving
~ You have become a challenge when it comes to drinking your bottles you prefer to be in your nursery, which makes it hard during the week when you are at school. They now put you in the highchair to drink your bottles
~ You still love taking baths, but when we take you out you get upset. I think you are going to be a water baby
~ You take a great 2 or 2 1/2 hour nap at home in the morning before we go to daycare
~ You still are not a great napper at daycare. We think you are afraid you are going to miss something and you love looking and playing with all your friends
~You are a happy baby and smile all the time
~ You talk and laugh and it just melts our hearts
This month was a BIG month for you and we look forward to seeing what the next month will bring! We are so excited to have our 1st Christmas with you. What a blessing!