2010 was a great year for the Stafford Family! We received our greatest blessing Grayson and we are both overjoyed with love over the past year and the years to come.
Don't get me wrong the prior years of our marriage were amazing too, but we prayed and dreamed of the year where all our dreams could come true and 2010 was that year. As I type this post my heart hurts for those longing for a baby of their own. I know many of you who read my blog have similar stories as ours and I pray that in 2011 that it is the year for you. It is hard to understand why, but please remember that God has a plan for each of you. You are in my prayers. God will give you the strength you need for any battle just keep him on your side and have faith!
A Reflection Back at 2010
1. Last New Years Eve we were in Bee Branch, AR spending time with our friends and this year we are doing the same thing, however they are coming to our house for a visit starting today through Sunday.
2. The biggest highlight for us in January 2010 was finding out that we were going to have a baby boy! We shared the news with our friends and family with having a Gender Reveal Party. The later part of January 2010 we spent registering and preparing for our little boy.
3. February 2010 was spent again preparing for Grayson, everything from clothes shopping to preparing the nursery.
4. In March 2010 we painted Grayson's nursery and had an artist come in and paint the dots and Grayson's name on the walls. Late March Chad competed in a few races in NWA and we ended the month celebrating several birthdays. As well as enjoying friends throughout the month with lunch/dinner dates.
5. April 2010 started with a celebration of our 4th Year Engagement Anniversary. We also had family both sides of our family in town for our baby shower and to also celebrate Drew and Marley's 1st Birthday! It was a little early, but most of my family was here so we decided to have the celebration. We missed having Meahgen with us!
6. May 2010 was a big month for us. We completed Grayson's nursery and on May 17th, 2010 at 9:50PM Grayson joined our family!
7. June 2010 we spent the month with family and friends visiting us at our home to see our new addition. We also celebrated Chad's 1st Father's Day.
8. July 2010 we made two road trips, one to Bee Branch AR and another to Sioux Falls, SD for a visit with my family. Chad and I both celebrated our birthdays.
9. August 2010 was a busy month of being a mommy and enjoying the final days of summer. Plus Grayson started going to daycare at the end of August 2010.
10. September 2010 I went on my 1st business trip and Grayson stayed home with daddy and our friends Mary and Greg. I missed him TONS! September was also a big month as Grayson moved to sleeping in his crib for all naps and bedtime.
11. October 2010 was the beginning of the Holiday Seasons starting with Halloween. We also had a week of Halloween Outfits to wear to daycare and it was so much fun!
12. November 2010 we spent the Thanksgiving Holiday in Sioux Falls, SD and Grayson also got his 6 month pictures taken by his Auntie A (Amie Hansen Photography). Grayson was so excited to have some play time with his cousin Aidan and Drew too!
13. December 2010 was a great month filled with the joyous season of Christmas! We had a wonderful Christmas as a family of three, but we did miss spending time with both of our families. (Unfortunately I had no vacation left so we had to stay home for this holiday!)
So that is a brief recap of our Amazing Year preparing for Grayson, welcoming Grayson into our family, and enjoying every moment we can with Grayson.
We look forward to 2011! I am excited to see what will take place in 2011, but for now we are enjoying the last few hours of 2010 at home playing with Grayson.
Be safe and Happy New Year!