Our 1st Christmas with Grayson didn't go exactly as planned. It started with us having to take Grayson to the doctor again for a recheck on his ears. Sad news is that he still has his double ear infection and at our visit with the doctor they ended up cleaning out his ears. Not fun for this mommy! That was on Thursday morning and I had planned on finishing my Christmas shopping that afternoon with Grayson in tow. However plans quickly changed when I realized Grayson was not doing well. So we went straight home and Grayson took a good afternoon nap. I hate these ear infections and the fact that Grayson can't tell me what hurts.
Christmas Eve Day I spent the morning finishing my Christmas shopping while Chad stayed home with Grayson. What a blessing! I have never shopped on Christmas Eve Day and I don't think I will ever do it again. It was not fun! Next year we are starting early and I plan on doing more shopping online and shipping to family that live out of state. It will just be easier for me. Between not having much time to do it this year and getting to the post office a few days before Christmas I have learned my lesson.
Christmas Eve we spent the evening with a few group of friends. We had a great dinner, dessert, drinks, and gift giving. We feel blessed to have such wonderful friends around us during the holidays.
We had planned to start a few traditions with Grayson starting on Christmas Eve. One is opening one gift on Christmas Eve and the second was going to look at lights around town. However with Grayson's ears and his continuous crying as we drove home we decided to just put him to bed. He is still young so we will start next year. After our little guy went to bed for the night I finished up wrapping gifts and finally went to bed around midnight. However an hour later I was up with Grayson bouncing and trying to get him to stop crying. Finally around 4AM he fell back to sleep and slept for 4 more hours before getting up for the day!
Santa arrived at our house and Grayson was ready to open gifts and play with the bows and wrapping paper. Grayson was spoiled and we loved seeing him react to his new toys. He got some great gifts, the Elf on the Shelf, two books, Elmo, two new pacifiers, hat and glove set, Little People AnimalVille, and a little Fisher Price Play Phone.
Chad and I opened gifts and I feel so blessed to have such a giving husband. He got me some great gifts, a sweater and necklace from Ann Taylor Loft, a sweater dress from Ann Taylor Loft, boots from Nine West, new running shoes, a Nike outfit, a personal trainer (I did ask for this), and perfume. I loved every gift! Chad got some great things too, a Gap vest, sweater and jeans, socks, Converse Shoes, PJ's, and a Lewis and Clark gift card. After opening gifts Grayson had breakfast and went down for his morning nap and Chad and I got ready for the day as we had a busy Christmas Day ahead of us!
At noon we went to the Jolliff's house for Christmas Day Lunch and we feel so blessed to be invited to spend Christmas Day with them. They spoiled Grayson too. Susan made a great Christmas Lunch for us and we enjoyed conversing about each others Christmas morning. Grayson enjoyed playing with sweet Avery too. Grayson was not in the best mood and was really tired so we went home after a few hours and Grayson spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping. Poor baby :(
Christmas Day Evening we had our neighbors over for appetizers and drinks. It was great to spend time with them, visit, and have a low key evening at home. Grayson played for a few hours with their daughter Melania before he went to bed for the night...but it wasn't for the night we spent until 11PM bouncing and rocking Grayson before he finally went to sleep. He was up again every hour starting at 1AM and finally at about 3AM Chad elevated his crib mattress so he would sleep. It helped and Grayson slept until 7:30AM.
On Sunday we went to church and tried to do some after Christmas shopping but Grayson was not happy and did a lot of crying so we went home and he spent the afternoon sleeping. Poor baby is just not feeling well. So on Monday Grayson and I spent the day at home. He did a lot of crying over the holiday weekend and we think his ears are still bothering him, but I also discovered yesterday that Grayson got another tooth. So Grayson did get his TWO FRONT TEETH for Christmas!
This Christmas will be one I will not forget! It was wonderful (amongst all the tears) and I would not change one day!
Our 1st Christmas together as a family of three!
Since I have spent the past two days working on this post between naps and holding Grayson I am finally posting it. Just one final update Grayson and I spent two hours at his pediatrician office yesterday and after doing blood work, urine test, and the flu test Grayson seems to have a fever virus because over the past two days he has had a fever above 102 and as high as 104 degrees. This mommy was scared for her sweet baby G. His last fever (hoping it is the last) was this morning at 4:30AM and it was 104 it finally broke and he hasn't had a fever since waking up this morning at 9:30AM. PTL! I hope he starts feeling better for the weekend ahead.
Since I have spent the past two days working on this post between naps and holding Grayson I am finally posting it. Just one final update Grayson and I spent two hours at his pediatrician office yesterday and after doing blood work, urine test, and the flu test Grayson seems to have a fever virus because over the past two days he has had a fever above 102 and as high as 104 degrees. This mommy was scared for her sweet baby G. His last fever (hoping it is the last) was this morning at 4:30AM and it was 104 it finally broke and he hasn't had a fever since waking up this morning at 9:30AM. PTL! I hope he starts feeling better for the weekend ahead.