Grayson's Nursery!
The journey of creating the PERFECT nursery started in January 2010 and after several months it is finally complete! I love all the details of his room and I hope that he enjoys it too. I will do my best to share the details of his nursery with you, but if you have questions please let me know. Now all we are waiting for is Grayson!
Glider is from Baby's Room in NWA - the brand is Best Chairs
Curtains were made by a local girl and the fabric was purchased at the Springdale, AR Fabric Store
Side Table is from Target and the blocks were handmade and given to Grayson from his Aunt Amie
Piggy Bank is from my mom she had it made in South Dakota
I hope you enjoyed the tour of Grayson's Nursery!
I am working on getting a Sock Monkey or a Giraffe for his room...we will see what gets added in the next few weeks.