With 10 days left remaining in my pregnancy I thought that I would take the time to write a letter to my baby boy Grayson. I don't know when Grayson will arrive and I want to have a letter written to Grayson before he arrives to share how I am feeling.
To My Grayson,
You will never know how much you mean to me. I have always dreamed about becoming a mommy and in 10 days or less (hopefully not more) I will be your mommy. Thinking about becoming a Mommy is amazing to me and scary at the same time. You see all of our friends think that I am going to be fine and be natural at being a mommy, but the truth is I am nervous. I am nervous that I won't know what to do when you cry, I am nervous about breastfeeding, and I am nervous that I won't be able to be the perfect mommy for you. But no one is perfect...
I feel blessed that I was able to get pregnant and carry you full term with no major complications. You will ALWAYS be a blessing to me! I spent the past nine months cherishing every day and I wouldn't change one day. I remember the day I first felt you move in my belly, I was driving around town running errands and I felt a little flutter in my belly and it was amazing from that day forward it is one of my favorite things about being pregnant. I remember the first time you had the hiccups that was a weird feeling, I was sitting on the couch one evening enjoying quality time with you and your daddy when they started low in my belly. I remember the day we found out that you were a boy. The moment we saw you on the screen you showed us that you were a BOY. You are not shy at all. I remember all the moments we have heard your heartbeat. That was and is my favorite part about going to our baby appointments. I have enjoyed all the rolling, jabs, turns, and tumbles you make in my belly it makes me feel connected to you. I love that for the moment you are all mine. I get to spend each day morning, afternoon, and night with you...just you and I! I have enjoyed creating the perfect nursery/room for you to grow into each and every day for years to come. Mommy does have moments when she is so excited to hold you and love on you, but I then have moments that I still want to be pregnant with you because it is just you and I. Mommy loves you and is excited for the first moment I get to see you, touch you, give you kisses, and hug you. It has been a long journey to become a mommy and I know that God was waiting for the perfect time to bless me with you. All those sad tears over the years will soon be happy tears when we meet face to face in 10 days. Mommy loves you so much and I feel blessed to be the one carrying you over the past nine months.