One thing that I have discovered after having a baby is that the time I had to do certain things like go shopping for myself goes out the door. I love spending time playing with Grayson during my spare moments so going out and shopping is usually the last thing I think of doing. But thank goodness for online shopping and this new site I discovered called
I did a lot of online shopping for the first three months of Grayson's life. It was just easier to stay home. I know all you new mommies can relate.
Coupon Chief is coupon clipping that has gone digital! Armed with coupon codes you will be able to save a bundle on purchases online for both products and services.
You should really go check it out yourself to get the full idea of what this site has to offer, but the #1 thing that I LOVE about this site is that I can type a store, for example GAP, in the search bubble and it will come back with coupons to use on the GAP site. This is AMAZING! I shop for Grayson's clothes at GAP and I love getting discounts because he won't be in the same size clothes in a few months. For myself I use the coupons from Ann Taylor Loft, as this store is one of my new favorite places to shop for me!
You can also follow Coupon Chief on Twitter and Facebook by clicking here for twitter and here for facebook. They do a great job of sending out specials.
Take a moment and start saving!