Grayson has just started dancing when he is standing holding onto his toys, his crib, or the ottoman in our living room. It is so cute watching his little legs move!
I am finally feeling better after having the flu for 5 days. Now Grayson has a cold and a horrible cough that keeps him up at night. I took Grayson to the doctor yesterday afternoon and after waiting 2 HOURS to be seen all WE can do is let the cough run its course and over time it will get better. UGH! The doctor (who by the way isn't Grayson's normal pediatrician) checked his ears and they look fine no infection. I am concerned about his ears because he is having yellow drainage out of both ears. Is this normal after getting tubes? After spending so much time at the doctor's office yesterday I have decided that we might start looking for a new pediatrician's office. Waiting for over an hour for an appointment has happened at least twice and when you have a 10 month old that wants to get down and crawl every where it makes it difficult, which by the way he did not get down at all. I was afraid of all the germs in that place.
I just wanted to share this cute video I didn't mean to go on and on about our doctor's appointment. But if you live in NWA and have a recommendation for a pediatrician I will welcome them.
So glad tomorrow is Friday, I am taking Grayson to his 1st Gymboree class during lunch! I am excited to see what he thinks!
Someone did ask on a comment on my last post and I did find my Easter Dress at Ruche. Check it out they have some cute dresses and much more!
I just wanted to share this cute video I didn't mean to go on and on about our doctor's appointment. But if you live in NWA and have a recommendation for a pediatrician I will welcome them.
So glad tomorrow is Friday, I am taking Grayson to his 1st Gymboree class during lunch! I am excited to see what he thinks!
Someone did ask on a comment on my last post and I did find my Easter Dress at Ruche. Check it out they have some cute dresses and much more!

AAAWWW - he's adorable!!
I just wanted to tell you that my son Rhett has had his tubes for about 8 months, best thing that we ever did for the little guy. He did just get his first ear infection sense we got the tubes put in and the reason that I knew other than him being really fussy was the fact that he had grossness coming out of one ear! It really kind of freaked me out but when I asked Dr. Cadle and Dr. Black about it they both told me that it was actually a good sign that the tubes were doing their job draining the fluid off of the ear instead of it sitting on it and getting infected even worse. One round of antibiotics and he was over the ear infection instead of the three or four we had to do in the past. (sorry this was a long comment and probably more than you needed to know!)
I'm going to second what Lindsey said! My Maggie (now almost 5) had tubes in at 15 months. It was the best thing ever! Her vocabulary improved the same day that she had her surgery and she seemed so much happier. Her ENT also said that the drainage was a sign that the tubes were working. Maggie didn't start having infections until she was 11 months old, but it was still really hard to have her feeling bad all the time. Hope Grayson's cough is better soon!
My daughter had tubes and never has had drainage, but my son got tubes at 11 months and once during a cold had drainage. it really worried me so I called my pediatrician and they told me to put the drops he was given after his surgery and we did that for a almost a week and then it was fine.
Melissa Grayson dancin' is so cute! He's got some moves girl it! Ugggg about that long of a wait at the peds office for them to just tell ya to run its course. Geezy Peezy some Dr.s offices are crazy! Kelcee's ped here in WV has a sick clinic in the mornings from 8 to 12 that you walk in and get seen by a dr. and it is so awesome no waiting and they have a well and a sick waiting room although I believe there are lots of germies in both LOL...hey maybe they have a place like that in Arkansas.
Glad you are feeling better friend and I hope Grayson starts feeling better soon too!
Our pediatrician told us we could give our Grayson 1/4 teaspoon of delsym at night for his cough last week. It was keeping him up at night and that stuff really helped! Maybe you could ask your pedi about that!
he is a DOLL face!!!
I second what everyone else has said. Landry had tubes put in when he was 8 months old. Just two weeks ago he had a cold that turned into a sinus infection and had lots of drainage coming out of his ears. His ENT said that it's perfectly fine, that the tubes are doing what they are supposed to do. He did have us start putting the drops that he gave us when he got them put in, in his ears for 5 days. He said that they protect the tubes. Also, I remember him telling me at the appointment that he has some patients that their ears drain all the time. Also, Landry's ped Dr. prescribed us Vazotan, a decongestant, and it works wonders when he is stopped up from a cold. We've also been told that he can have 1/4 tsp of Muccinex. You might ask about either one of those to help him at night!
We use Northwest Arkansas Pediatric Clinic. We have never had to wait for a sick or well child appointment. We have seen four different doctors and liked all of them. If you are interested I can give you their names.
They have a location in Fayetteville and Lowell. The Fayetteville location has a sick and well building, which I really like.
Draining ears are nothing new to us! Did your ENT give you drops to keep on hand for when they drain? We have Ciprodex to use any time my son's ears drain to prevent infections- sometimes it works, sometimes he ends up on oral antibiotics. Our ENT says that if they are still draining after 4 days with drops, to start antibiotics. And I feel for you on long waits at the pedi! Hopefully his ears dry up soon!
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